Ultrabatt Lithium Battery And Igntech Ignition

Discussion in 'Supersport (1974-2007)' started by bikemad, Sep 19, 2020.

  1. I have a 1997 900ss fitted with a Ignitech ignition unit in a mounting just to the side of the std fitment of the ignition coils near the battery location. Up under the Tank near the battery location.
    When running a standard lead acid battery I have a sweet running bike.
    I fitted an Ultrabatt Lithium Battery(Powerblade 300 with BMS) and the bike cut out three times in a 200klm ride.
    We think that the BMS system(Battery Maintainace System) is causing electrical noise and disrupting the Ignitech ignition unit and the bike cuts out.
    As soon as this happens and you roll to a stop, the bike will fire up on the button and is able to be ridden. The fuel pump etc. is still running.
    When I put the std lead acid battery back in the problems disappear!
    Is there a way to suppress electrical noise as there is a 5.5kg weight saving using the lithium battery!
    I have a std Superlight that uses the same Ultrabatt lithium battery and no problems with that, but that is using the std Kokusan ignition modules.
    Any ideas?
    I'm not experienced with electronics and this stuff is a head scratcher!!
  2. Same as you i'm not an electronics expert(just basic stuff), and i have a JMT lithium battery in my 900ss ie and have no issues at all, i also have one recently put in my 996 and all well at the moment, there does seem to be issues with Lithium battery doing odd things and even exploding as on this recent thread : thread: https://www.ducatiforum.co.uk/threads/hey-help-needed.81531/#post-1727177
    On monday i am going to phone or maybe visit a local Ducati dealer to speak to one of the mechanics about Lithium batteries .
  3. Please consult a local automotive electrician or electronics guy.
    There are many threads on here, even some in the wasteland that are worth reading.
    A quick precis is that many older Ducati's do not have a generator set that is compatible with a lithium battery.
    When designing an electronics system, such as a bike, many important calculations are made and design envelopes set.
    The designer never envisaged the technology that is available today.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. I have run a lithium on my 939 Supersport for over 3 years without a problem. You must have had a tractor battery on there before to save 5.5 kgs, my Yuasa standard battery weighed in at 3.6 kgs, the lithium 600 grams.
  5. I've got an old Ultrabatt and Ignitech on a 900ss with no issues. The charging and ignition loom is mostly standard but my coils are down near the front cylinder. No idea if that makes a difference but maybe it's worth a try moving them. When I get a chance I'll swap in my new ultrabatt and see if I can replicate the issues. May be mid October though....
  6. [​IMG]
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. Info from Liam Venter at Fastbikes.com(off his website) in NZ are that these Ultrabatt batteries are a not the same as other lithium batteries. When I bought a small trickle charger from him he actually supplies one for a lead acid battery as these batteries replace lead acid with all the added advantages he states. It would be worth reading what he says about these batteries.
    Yep I was wrong about the weight saving, it's 5.36kgs!
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  8. The Ignitech on my SL is in the same position, with the pickup leads originally running to it in the gap between the battery and airbox, below the coils. I read something about the leads picking up 'noise', so I rerouted them round the back of the battery, and wrapped them in that self-adhesive aluminium foil - the improvement in general smoothness was quite noticeable.
    As its cheap and easy, might be worth a try?
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  9. To the OP, my Ignitech is in the seat tray, as far as possible away from other electrical signals. I also wrapped the wires in foil and earthed them. This is cause I read that they were very sensitive to electrical interference. I would move it to the rear, if you do some Googling youll find its talked about elsewhere and many move it to the rear. Not saying that it will definitely help, but its worth trying. I have also replaced the whole ignition system from original. Regarding the Lithium battery, I know very little about them
  10. I have an Ignitech and Motobatt in/on my 97 M900, and the combination not only makes it run better than it did but it also starts easier.

    I wanted to put the Ignitech under the seat, but on an M900 there just isn't any room, so it's alongside the battery and the cables are bundled up where the IC Ignitors used to be.

    Not had any issues with it at all.


    Elec 1.jpg
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  11. Thanks guys, I'll try some of the suggestions to see if I can get around the electrical noise problem!
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