
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by PerryL, Sep 24, 2020.

  1. So, after I get some dosh, my driving license back, and a bike back on the road (probably my ST3), I plan to go to Scotland! After that, Ireland, then the IoM, and then Poland, and then Italy, and then , and then, etc, etc.

    My plan is to motorway it to Glasgow in order to do it as quickly and easy as possible and then spend the first night in a hotel just above Loch Lomond. It's about 400 miles on the first day but all mainly motorway until Glasgow, and so I think that it is possible.

  2. Oh, and renew my passport!

    I will be going with a native who can interpret for me!!!
  3. From Aviemore take a loop across the Lecht road (A939) down to Ballater and the go over Glenshee (A93) to Perth, much more scenic and highest passes in the country (Glenshee is slightly higher than the Lecht) and no pesky aveage speed nonsense as you would get on the A9 from Aviemore to Perth :upyeah:
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  4. 261d17a2b23da82d97f5f58d9f99d94f.jpg
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. thread moved
  6. I wish! My sol was cagey about how much I will get and I've gone to the bottom of the pile now as we wait to here from the DVLA,

    I just don't get this insurance business. Looking at it from Hasting's perspective: their driver always admitted fault ( despite not being supposed to but she is honest, maybe that is what annoys them!), was given 6 points for driving without due care and attention, can have sight of my medical reports and will have got the summary from my sol and the Police report which assigns 100% of the blame to their driver, yet seem to believe that if they close their eyes and plug their ears, then it will just go away. And they will know ( should do ) that my sol takes no prisoners.

    So, how does it work at the interview for a job in Hasting's claim department? If you go in with your eyes shut, ignore any offers to shake hands, and shout,"NAH, NAH", all through the interview, do you then get the job automatically?
  7. Been there done that, it’s possible they will keep fucking you about until the threat of going to court.
    I had an unlicensed, unaccompanied driver hit me side on, witnessed by an off duty police officer.
    Despite all of the evidence, Diamond insurance tried to say it was my fault.
    They kept this up for 18 months, hoping I would roll over.
    My solicitor got a Barrister involved (at extra cost to the defendant) and threatened taking them to court.
    Soon settled and paid up.
  8. Completely agree, Gkenshee route is a much nicer ride, better scenery and no average speed cameras
    Also worth taking a detour as you come down from Glenshee over via Pitlochry, from these you can head back to Perth.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Get off the M6/M74 at Dumfries and ride up through Dumfries and Galloway. Beautiful biking roads and empty this time of year.
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  10. When I first began this journey, every time I would phone my sol, her staff would always say she's not available today as she is in court. I always used to think (in my naivety) "WTF is she doing in court? She only takes cases which she is pretty sure to win, otherwise she doesn't get paid and she has about 10 staff on PAYE." Then I learned that the insurance company will happily spend a month arguing with her that black is white, knowing that they are picking up the tab for it. I imagine that they have added about 40k to their bill by this stupid arguing. They still don't believe that I was riding the bike! My sol does not GAF as she gets this all day as this all she does. God knows how much she charges but I think it is about £400 per hour. If they want to waste her time then she is not bothered as she can charge them to waste it. This will end up in court one day. They know that they will lose, know that they will suffer much, much more costs being awarded against them, but they seem quite happy with this. You would think that before the court hearing, they would appoint a barrister who will tell them that they are wasting their time and money. They seem to have an almost manic desire to waste money. I would probably settled last December if they had made a reasonable offer. Now, since I discovered all these issues with my eyesight and driving license, I am not settling unless my sol advises me to. I conservatively estimate that their behaviour since Christmas, has cost them around 140k!
  11. It may well be but I'm not going this time of year! I want really long days and so I'd be looking to go about June time!!
  12. Avon hand cream for the midges :D
  13. I guess she would be in no rush to bring an end to your case, when she is doing very well letting it drag it's arse along..
  14. That's the insanity of it. I'm still getting referred to various consultants and the cost will just be mounting up. Everyone on my side is quite relaxed and nobody is working for free. The mad thing is that the insurance company will be footing the bill seems to be quite happy with this!
  15. Hear ya, but give it a thought anyway. Not to piss on your parade but I would avoid Loch Lomond, really overrated. Detour to Gourock and get the wee ferry across to Dunoon (I'll even meet you for a wee ride and spot you a discount ticket), go up Loch Eck then to Inveraray and on to Oban or the Green Welly for a brew then do the Great Glen - Now that's an epic ride that I do often and never tire of. Loch Lomond during the nice season is a f**king trial with all the tourists, wagons and buses, crawling speed half the way and you have to be on your game to watch out for the dafties crossing the line as they admire the scenery or just plain forget which side of the bloody road to drive on!

    the only good road off the A82 at the Loch is turning left for the A817 military road over to from Shantron to Garelochead, really good surface for the transport of the killer missiles going to the sub base, rarely used, fast and smooth; one can make some serious progress if one has a mind to....

    Sorry to hear about your legal woes. Insurance companies and Lawyers - a match made in hell.
    • Like Like x 1
  16. Thanks for that route advice, I will use it to have a play.
  17. Is this what you had in mind, roughly?
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  18. Avon Skin so Soft, good enough for the SAS :upyeah:

    Route advice above all great pointers, did as suggested when we did Scotland in 2015.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Best time is May, as it’s relatively dry. Ask @finm .

    It pisses down for the other 11 months of the year.
    • Funny Funny x 3
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. [​IMG]
    expedition -plus. trust me. :upyeah:
    loch Lomond sucks. i take the Dunoon route when im heading south, i avoid Glencoe too when possible. it can be a real durge during the season. the main tourist routes are all heavily policed too.
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