1200 DVT Max Milage

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by AndreK, Sep 26, 2020.

  1. Hi, i was wondering what you lot think would be the high reliable milage on the MTS if well maintained. Mine is approaching 38K miles
  2. My 2010 has 43K , I do my own servicing and have no worries or issues.
    My 2017 has 17K, again do my own servicing and no worries or issues.
    If your bike is like mine, well maintained and polished to within an inch of their life, I'd say don't worry!
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    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. Rode a 2015 with 28k and was sweet as . Agree if u maintain a give em a lot of love, I wouldn’t hesitate buying one with higher mileage. Be interesting to know if anyone has reached over 100k on a multi tho?
  4. It is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, manufacturers want the reputation for reliability and longevity, but on the other hand, they want to sell you a new bike. So you can't win.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. I'm sure Ducatis are the same, but when I ran out of petrol years ago, a guy stopped on a Guzzi to see if I needed help. He had over 100k on his clock and was still going strong!
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  6. A guy on this forum has over 114k on his 2010. Mine has a measly 36k
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  7. I have but it has taken 4 multis to do it :)
    2010 Single spark - 32K
    2013 Twin Spark - 29K
    2015 DVT - 28K
    2018 1260 - 28K (so far)

    PS - That's Miles not KM.
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  8. Thanks
  9. 50000mls. Its a keeper.
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  10. Bikes are all Triggers brooms to a certain extent. Use, Maintain, use, repeat. Id buy a well used and maintained multi at any mileage.
  11. I'd avoid a very very, low mileage one.
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  12. Mine have been great high miler's with no serious issues so far, 2013 GT 23k miles, 2015 1200S DVT 33K and 2018 1260S 32k miles, this one's a keeper, I think :thinkingface:.
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  13. Thanks, sounds reassuring
  14. Going through 40,000 miles tomorrow and it’s a keeper!
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  15. One problem is that the opening rocker clearance tends to tighten up. So, in the extreme, the valve never shuts properly. The closing clearance tends to get bigger. That combination means that the valve never closes completely leading to exhaust gases getting past the inlet valve and messing up the valve seats. Ducati are getting better and better at extending the desmo service, but as long is this is done and any necessary adjustment made, there is not much else to worry about. Apart from the cam belts.

    About 40 years ago, I had a Darmah that went badly out. I think that it was wear on the vale seat. That made it like a 2-stroke with a power band! I was a skint student at the time. It taught me that you can't run Ducatis on the cheap - as I tried to do! Did make the Bol at Paul Ricard at least once (possibly twice) and Geneva once (why? - I have no idea!). Oh, and I did get done for speeding in Austria - as you do!
  16. Should proper dealer maintenance prevent that?
  17. Yes, or you can do it yourself if you know how to. There are some really good independants about as well who can do it. Near Bristol (in Somerset, but we won't hold that against him!) is http://www.louigimoto.com/ and there others about that people here can recommend.
  18. Forget that! I just looked at where you are located! There will still be independants about but no idea where!
  19. Thanks, bit out if the way for me but there is solid help available here in NL as well
  20. 60,000 miles on a 2016 ENDURO from new.
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