
Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by NSR500, Sep 30, 2020.

  1. Has the Scottish Ducati club ceased to exist? Tried to contact them over the last few weeks to renew membership and keep getting bounce backs with any email I send.
  2. I think the forum " ducati up north" has been mothballed, and the club and it's activities moved to Facebook.
    You may get a reply from there.
    Emai address should still work, although you will normally wait a while for any reply, sometimes weeks/months.
  3. Thanks for the link, @NSR500 - the reason is a sad one, and it's all there for everyone to read:-

    "DuN was started in 2005 by Michael Bonney as a meeting place for like minded Ducati riders north of Watford who wanted to arrange meets, swap tips, share stores & craic.

    Since then, it has seen its fair share of good times, jokes, friendships, politics, arguments and general bollocks. However, over the last few years the rate of new posts and new members has dwindled to a trickle. The forum itself is running on obsolete software and requires specialist hosting.

    These factors led me and a few of the moderators to consider the future of DuN. Facebook is popular with most existing users and gives a more modern take on much of the forum functionality like discussion threads, events, polls & private messaging. The experimental DuN group on Facebook has been a success, tempting a lot of "dormant" DuN users out of the woodwork.

    The DuN forum running at will therefore be switched into read-only mode on October 1st 2020. After that the intention is to make a static copy of the site available online as an archive and tribute to Michael Bonney who sadly passed away last year.

    This new Ducati UpNorth forum is intended to take over where the old forum left off."
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  4. Ok thanks for the info, but we dont all use faceplant so wont be joining anytime soon.
  5. same, never will join but realise i'm missing out on some really good groups/info at times.
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  6. Thoughts it was a thread about bike cleaner fluids:confused:
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