Little bit taboo this subject, the Hoop and looking after it for all sorts of reasons can a bit embarrassing for some. So let us get it out in open and exchange our product preferences and maybe help one another. I'll kick off.
And if you’re feeling dry, this soothing oil is perfect for preventing and treating dryness in intimate areas like your butt.
This no-frills lotion, packed with arnica and calendula, can improve the appearance of butt acne in as little as 24 hours. It's also packed with alpha-hydroxy acids to exfoliate and slough away dead skin cells that can cause acne in the derriere region.
I opened this thread as I enjoy hoops on toast (the pasta in tommy sauce). Imagine my surprise and dismay when I read through. Disgusted of Disgustland.
Seems to be a lot of hoop bashing going on in this thread..............................I'll get me coat!