It It is just not possible to spend 10 bill on any software in four months. Apple earns $60bn per quarter selling multiple products on a huge scale globally. The government T&T is just a phone app, some very old spreadsheets and a call centre.
In deepest Gloucestershire, we don't do technology. My local pub writes down your name, address and telephone number. And, I have resisted the temptation to give them any old bull!
10 Billion was the allocated budget for the test and trace programme - they haven’t finished spending it yet! But knowing how government budget management works they will do their utmost best to burn through it!
Ten billion spent and the app doesn't work properly. Just about sums up this ship of fools who similarly don't work. You do have to wonder where this money has all gone, or at least what the split ratio is between them... By contrast, the Irish app seems to work quite well -certainly better then the so called NHS England app -which is a courtesy name since its all subbed out and the NHS has not been involved. The Irish government offerred it FREE to Doris (as they have to anyone & everyone) but of course he declined, perhaps the need to spy on everyone was paramount? Really strange that Ireland was able to develop their system for just £770K
Gents and ladies, we're all barking up the wrong tree, the government was offered T and T for fuck all by a conglomerate of multinational companies such as Apple google amazon and the like. Our wonderful gov, thought hang on these companies getting all this data from the populous, no money to be laundered for our controllers hidden in the shadows and we wont get all that metadata for command and control over the plebbery. Well no thankyou, lets borrow ten billion that doesn't exist till the working class start paying the interest on it by increasing taxes, whilst laundering ill gotten gains by the oligarchs of the world. The bastards even changed how contracts are given out in plain sight, tho still under a blanket of national emergency. So no vetting, tendering or balance and checks, so a company who have assets listed at £20k are awarded £100M contracts because Daddy and Uncle Mungo went to certain school in Uxbridge. hence all there friends are making not millions but fucking billions. Nothing from the opposition, that cunt who is current leader Lord barrister no balls, represented the government in the ongoing trail against Julian Assange, no noise because he'll get his pounds of flesh when gets his fat arse in the upper house. Democracy my arse, just pure fucking corruption, they smile while they take your liberties and your freedoms whilst emptying not only your pockets, your children's pockets but your grandchildren's pockets in the process of command and control of the plebbery but also the control of all the planets resources.
Sorry to burst our boys bubble, I've just had a balls of a week had one of my lads call last Sunday he had lost his taste and said he would ring our hse to be tested but couldn't get anyone on the phone so I booked all my lads in for private tests Monday morning 1700 euro for 9 staff 3 hours later 7clean but 2 positive so Monday lunchtime we had the results the fabled app only informed my lads yesterday at 8pm 5 days after the positive tests!! All governments are enept I'm afraid!
Not so great then.... Though at least you have 99% of ten billion still in the coffers. In the UK our £10bn is in the pocket of Doris's mates from the leave campaign.
Why would you take the risk of having to quarantine for 14 days when, even if you test negative, you still have to?
Nice narrative Bob, but, apart from buying suspiciously large amounts of fireworks in November, how do we get rid of Bojo and Clown Troop?
If you don't have to use it for every business you enter, then I don't see how useful it is. For example, if I go to one sit-in place this week where I'm supposed to check in with the app, but then also visit 100 shops where you don't have to, then it's not really very effective.
I simply have no faith in this government to execute a technology project like this effectively, on time or budget. I suspect their data protection policy is far below the regime they set for corporate providers and my data will simply not be safe. Any premises that require the app, I simply walk away from and go somewhere else.
Good question chief, truth betold I wish I could answer, but I fear it's too late. Bojo and The Clown are just mere puppets, of the new world order, who are rolled every few years, to make it seem we have a choice in this illusion called democracy. We have become historically bound by the tools of their trade, misinformation, hidden agenda, fear to name but a few, they have built quite the arsenal. This has been going on for generations, they correctly surmised it would be a long game. To them, the elite, we are all the great unwashed. Reality is the only way to make a start, truth, transparency, they do not like spotlights, hence why would they control the media, don't believe when they tell you what is good what is for you, its not, its good for them, when there is social unrest or we begin to question, they provide us with bogeymen and enemies to distract us. Had a pause for 20 mins or so and had a real good think. One possible big step in the right direction revolves around debt, when you realise that all money is debt, then if there is no debt there is no money. Just suppose us 99% or even 95% of the planets population all clubbed together a paid the debt of every individual within that group. More than 7 billion people with no debt, no fear or stress or burden that debt holds on us. Thats true freedom. Never happen though, because our civilization it based on greed, excess and too many willing to fuck another over for a profit. Me I've lived the best life I could, for my family and fellow man, I hope I did the best I could. Today, in I guess my twilight years, my worry is for my grown up children, my grandchildren and there children. So I can honestly say today I would sacrifice my life if it meant my grandchildren and their progeny to live a life without fear or debt. Anyone else!
Wow! Plenty to chew on there bro! My tuppence....Humans more or less control the present and future of every organism on the planet. Except for ourselves. Here we let a few ego-maniacs run our lives, even though we outnumber them millions to one. Hitler, Stalin etc... We even invent some spiritual ones called gods. I like to think I don't give a crap about anyone except those people I like. I don't break the law, but I never vote or pray, so I do not care what the leadership does because I did not choose them. It lifts a massive burden and makes me appreciate the now and those I care about.
Paul, I imagine when you say when you don't give a crap unless you like them, includes the billions of innocents you've not had the chance to like? Just had another re-read of my own post, It sounds a little self centred on my part, couldn't be farther though, I meant a world free from debt and fear for mine, yours and all our grandchildren and the generations to come. So long as these fucks have their way with capitalism, consumption and control of natural resources and the command and control of the plebery. The planet can't survive without massive population reduction. Could covid-19 just be an alpha release, covid-20alpha1 for 2021 anyone?
Think you've misread @bradders I've a very strong community spirit, I'm sure @Paul55 does also, as I was implying that he includes the innocent billions in his caring, I certainly do. You?