959 Sidestand Shortening

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by Giff, Oct 12, 2020.

  1. Hi,

    I need my sidestand shortened by 15-20mm.

    I believe it it magnesium - is this correct and has anyone had this done / can recommend an engineering shop?

  2. See if a magnet will stick to it, if no then its magnesium (alloy).
  3. Local commercial bodybuilder did the one on the little lady’s 959 charged me 20 quid - but that’s Aylesbury- alloy welding
  4. Try
    Colin Yates
    Desmo Engineering
    43 Dorbett Drive,
    L23 0RY

    07821 904559
  5. Perfect - should have mentioned I’m on the Wirral so that’s not far from me.
  6. How much did you shorten it by?
  7. You could always give it our gert to wash. Guaranteed to come out slightly smaller and possibly a greyish colour with hints of pink.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. Or aluminum, or titanium, or copper, gold perhaps, maybe silver or possibly any other metal that isn't steel, cobalt or nickel!
  9. What makes you think your side stand is made from magnesium ? Andy
  10. 1/2 inch( ish)
  11. I'm fascinated to know. Why do you want to shorten it?

    Please, please, please don't tell me that the Ducti designers don't have a f**king clue!
  12. Side stand is cast Aluminium,

    If you shorten it by 20mm the bike is going to lean over a hell of a long way when it is on the stand.

    Not wanting to teach my Granny to suck eggs or anything, but just remember the old saying

    “Measure twice,....cut once!”
  13. ... And then watch it fall on the floor?
  14. With 20mm off it that’s a very real possibility, especially if you get the road camber working against you as well ??
  15. If one were to lower a bike than one might have to shorten the side stand.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. If the side stand is attached to the frame and you don't change the wheel diameter or frame, then why?
  17. If you lower the suspension, it has the same effect as tilting the swing arm upwards from its pivot point, which effectively lowers the Frame sidestand mounting point closer to the ground .
    Just try and visualise what would happen to the suspension/ frame position/ ground clearance if you sat a 25 stone fella on a 959 , it would push the frame a lot closer to the ground, that’s when you would need a shorter sidestand.

    You can get a similar effect if you pull the forks up through the yokes a long way as well, both options mess with the bikes geometry and could effect the handling

    Not insinuating that the OP weights 25 stone mind you :D:upyeah:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. That makes sense - sort of. I get lowering the forks - I may of done this once for some reason (raised for more ground clearance, possibly) but lowering the rear? Is this just fitting a shorter shock or shorter link rods (I think that on some bikes there is a bit of adjustment there)?. This is specialist stuff that you need to know what you are doing - mixed with not knowing what your side stand is made of or not knowing how to get it modded.....Sounds frightening....
  19. Giff, that’s an American talking out of there arse as usual, it’s an Aluminium casting


    ore guff in here, Aluminium is a whitish silvery colour and Magnesium has a greyish tint, Magnesium is far more expensive and wouldn’t be used on a 959 sidestand
    #20 Poucher, Oct 13, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2020
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