The Long Way Up

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by PerryL, Oct 1, 2020.

  1. I thought that I would do an "Amazon". That is subscribe with a free period and then watch the whole series for free and then cancel. And then I found out that it was mid-series and my free 7 days won't be any good! So Apple got me! For £4.99 per month, I think that I can cope!

    I have no problem with the "product placement". It's relevant and makes me more interested in Belstaff (when I need all new kit) and HD electric bikes, So what? It's relevant to the series and I don't expect them to work for free.

    I just watch it out of interest and enjoyment. I don't foam at the mouth because they are using electric bikes and got a whole infrastructure put in that will benefit the people of South America - or wear Belstaff apparel.

    I must be doing something wrong as I only watch stuff that I enjoy and don't sit here snarling and getting angry with what I'm watching - whilst regretting not putting in gas central heating and buying a new gas water heater.

    And I am still seriously thinking about the VW ID.3, rather than a petrol V8 that I can drive round snarling at all the "greens".
    • Like Like x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. Having been on that road from Punta Arenas to El Calafate (driven not ridden) I'm not surprised they had trouble recharging the bikes. It's 500km on one of the most empty and desolate places I've ever seen, there is literally nothing for 60km and then its perhaps just a building and another 60km of nothing. There is one truck stop half way (which they didn't show)

    I tend to agree the electric bike concept is a bit forced, but to be fair if you were first person to do a trip like that then the first manufacturer to provide the bikes would get some pretty good publicity (and research data).

    All in all I'm enjoying it, but I did get 6 (or maybe 12) months free subscription when I bought my last iPhone

    PS Patagonia and Torres del Paine are stunning!

    • Like Like x 7
  3. Just watched episode 6. Apple TV did 'get' me as I've just ended my 7 day trial and paid £4.99!

    Top entertainment, though, and I'm really enjoying it!

  4. It is good but having watched 5 episodes now I do agree with others, Itchy Boots is more authentic IMO and I have greater admiration for Noraly as she does it all on her own, no army of support/backup. I’ll still be watching the rest of them though.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. I saw luvvie Ewan on the Graham Norton show and they showed a clip of him falling off, that was cruel but funny :D
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  6. Bunch of upskirters
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. I am going to look into getting an electric Harley when I get my license back. In Bristol, we have Riders who are Ducati and Harley dealers and I will be visiting, anyway. I've never wanted a Harley before but I am getting intrigued.

    I am still watching the hated "Long Way Up". They needed fast chargers because thy had a schedule. When I visit Scotland, I won't - and it will probably be on my old ST3 rather than anything new.

    I've pretty much decided that I am not going to bother get a car.
    • Like Like x 1
  8. Carist :D
    • Useful Useful x 1
  9. And I can get it for a mere £25,995!
    • Funny Funny x 3
  10. Oh and I ditched the gas meter. The guy who came was very upset. He wanted me to smell the gas to learn how good it was. He agreed that the Fischer water heater was rubbish and mis-sold to me. He said after a few more weeks of fake hot water, I would be begging him to come back a refit the meter. Especially after I have had the massive electricity bill as well as really missing the gas bill. He had to rush as demand for gas was going through the roof and his days were full of fitting gas meters and letting people get hooked to the sexy smell.

    Oh and I was working in the garden in October with a T-shirt on, thus proving that this global warming is complete rollox!
    • Funny Funny x 2
  11. Good point and I agree. However, they can’t undercut the price of ANY of the fossil fuel range as it may decimate sales and they have 100s of millions invested in production facilities etc. IMO the same logic applies to the car manufacturers except they have 10s of billions invested in legacy infrastructure which is why their electric offerings are so much more expensive than the petrol/diesel equivalents.

    Don’t get me wrong, electric vehicles (or at least a move away from oil burners in some form) is the way forward it’s just that IMO it’s not in the manufacturer’s interest to make it attractive to move*.

    *apart from those starting with a clean sheet that is eg the Teslas, Rivians and others of this world.
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