Wet Weather Issue!!

Discussion in 'Supersport (1974-2007)' started by GDS968, Oct 14, 2020.

  1. Well I found out that i have a wet weather issue last Friday whilst going out for an afternoon blast!!
    Bike was running really well until it absolutely pissed it down!! Fine i thought until she started missing, grab a fistful of throttle and it picked up but then died on me.

    Pulled up to the side of the road, gave it 30 seconds and she fired straight up. Rode another 5 miles home and 1 mile from home it happened again, limped home!!

    I am sure this is an electical issue from whats been said before. I have new leads, plug caps and coils on the bike. Could these still give issues even though they are new? Bike runs fine in the dry.

    Have checked the caps for the leads running into the engine cases and they seem fine also.

    It did throw it down and was heavy but something like this needs sorting!!

    Any advice welcome, cheers
  2. Was this happening before you changed your plugs/lead/coils ?
    If not you could try applying silicone grease into the HT lead joints & see if that helps at all.

    It would be helpful to try & pinpoint exactly where the water is causing this issue. Could you get the engine warmed up & try spraying small areas, one at a time, with a hosepipe to pin point exactly where the cause is. That way you could maybe come up with a better solution, rather than trying different things on various places, if that makes sense ?
  3. No idea as never ridden in that kind of heavy rain before!

    Yes that's what I am going to try and figure out, difficult though as water hitting the bike at 60ish is going to get to places that it wouldn't when stationary etc.
  4. Had slightly similar on my SSIE a few years ago, turned out that in a rain day of biblical proportions water got into the TPS, just enough to upset it, which over time then started rusting at the connectors. Might be worth checking the connection there is good and dry .
  5. No TPS on the old gal Michel
  6. So the good news is we can eliminate TOS issues, lol, shame as that’s an easy fix of rub with sand paper , squirt of WD40 and away you go.
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  7. May be worth checking the airbox for signs of water ingress?
  8. When I've suspected arcing, I've run the bike in the garage, exhausts pointing out of the door, door open a crack for ventilation, lights off and used a plant/bathroom/kitchen spray on the suspected areas - HT leads, coils etc.. and if there has been arcing, you very quickly see a fat blue spark leaking out to the frame, or other good earthing point. Remove the fairing lowers and lift the tank so you can see all those connections and leads
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  9. had identical experience, eventually discovered mine was moisture finding it's way to the ignition pick up via the compromised wiring gland, a quick bead of sealant cured it.

    edit: just recalled, I actually sealed both wiring glands for good measure.
  10. had a similar issue on my ie turned out to be the ignition switch connector
    but could be almost any of the connectors on the bike
    but agree would check the wiring for the pick ups as they are in prime place for water etc
    possibly the starter solenoid 2 wire connector they can cause issues i put a bit of silicone on mine to seal and hold in place as they seem to come loose
    but also check you dont have any water in the fuel that could cause similar issue
  11. Thanks for all the advice chaps. Going to look at this at the weekend when i have time.
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