900ss 1999 Side Stand Parts Missing

Discussion in 'Supersport (1974-2007)' started by Zhed46, Oct 20, 2020.

  1. I have recently bought a 1999 900SS back from the guy I sold it to about 5 years ago

    Unfortunately the side stand broke off while under his care/neglect. The photo below is of what is left attached to the bike.

    I know I need the stand itself, the bolt and spring, but are any other parts needed please? Unfortunately I don't have any close up pics of that side of the bike from when I perviously owned it and I couldn't find any on the web either as most pics are taken from the offside and those taken from the nearside the fairing is usually blocking the view.

    Perhaps someone would be kind enough to take a photo of their side stand?

    Even better, does anybody have the parts to sell or, ideally, a complete set of what is needed.


    #1 Zhed46, Oct 20, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2020
  2. It's probabely not much use/help, but this is my '94 750SS. I thought it might have been the same, but clearly it isn't. However, it does look like it might work even though it uses slightly different mounting points.
    I did machine the post off the top of the side stand mounting bolt, (the one that make it spring back up when you take the weight off the bike), other than that it is standard.
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  3. Standard 2000 900ssie if that’s any help


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  4. I have a full sidestand assembly that came off a Carbie 900SS.

    I will attempt to get an image of it at lunchtime, but from memory it looks like the one Alan Williams has shown.

    Mine might be for sale, just need to check I can find it and see what state it's in.

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  5. Thanks for the pics @CAT3 and @Alan williams - I think can see what I’m missing from AW’s pic

    Thanks @Nasher - please let me know

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  6. There’s one on eBay but I was told it’s not the right one. However, looking at @Alan williams photos I’m not so sure now.

    Ths stand itself has been damaged but I know someone who has one. I’m more concerned with making sure I have all the correct brackets and fasteners tbh


    0B500BD3-C073-49CC-8E0A-F43900E8F208.png A20B3C66-7025-4355-8B21-27CACA5A6646.png 0B5B7C38-EE79-418D-BF21-C262C27F74D9.png B5D5E5F0-53B7-4FF9-842F-615C5A4E9C22.png
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  7. is the bike a carby model you got a pic of it as 1999 models are difficult for parts
    according to ducati no ss models were made in 1999 my ie is a 99 think that year they used loads of different parts using up leftover stock before the new models released in 2000
    looks like you have a monster engine in your bike dont know if thats been changed during its life span or its from the factory as said 99 model year is a mine field for parts some suppliers i have dealt with will not supply parts for that year because it could have anything fitted
    i love ducati so much character lol
  8. I’ve deliberately avoided posting a pic of the bike because it’s going to horrify the purists, but here goes......:D


    I’ve looked on eBay at Monster side stands and you’re right, it’s almost certainly one of them and not a Supersport item.

    You’re also dead right about how Ducati operated in the 90s. I’ve had both heard stories and have experience with 916/748 bikes that suggest they just fitted whatever parts they had lying around the factory at the time, or, just as likely, which they were able to obtain from suppliers who would give them a line of credit.
    #10 Zhed46, Oct 21, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2020
  9. Ah, so a 900SSie, not Carbie.

    I think they have a different sidestand bracket to a Carbie, but I don't know if there is any issue with swapping them over.

    If you go here:
    Choose the various bikes from the drop down menu top left and find the various part numbers you'll see how many different ones were used.
    There are images of some of them.
    You need to click on the number with the line to each part on the parts explosion.

    • Like Like x 1
  10. think i remember you putting pics up before
    had a check on stein dinse this morning wasnt exactly awake but couldnt find the side stand
    in the exploded views for a few of the models probably me not the best nights sleep lol
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  11. That’s a Monster stand, bracket and spring and the bracket seems to be identical to the one which is still attached to my bike
  12. seem to remember speaking to a member on here a few years ago he had a carby 1999 model but looked like a ie and he was sure it was factory dont see why any one would want to make a carby look like an ie lol
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. Completely agree, which is why my 1000SSie DS is going to be wearing some retro 900SL clothing come the spring.

  14. I’m going to go against the grain here and say that I much prefer the look of the ie v the carby, but still not enough to leave it alone, as you can see from the pic :yum
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  15. Was going to say am I the only one that likes the look of the ie.
    • Love You Love You x 1
  16. Sorry, couldn't find it, must be in my storage container.
    Unfortunately I can't get to it until the weekend.

    If you are not sorted by then I'll have a look.

  17. I think I’m sorted now Nasher, but thanks for trying. I’m going to buy a Monster stand off eBay (good spot @johnboy ) and see how I get on.

    Thanks also to @Alan williams and @CAT3 :upyeah:
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