I have to park on the narrow road outside my house and it appears someone has clipped the rear corner which opened up a split in the bottom corner of the fibreglass shell of the habitation unit. The split has revealed that the wood underneath isn’t in great nick but for the moment I’m more concerned with sealing the gap so that water can’t get in before I have a proper repair done. Ideas please? Thanks
3M make a marine product called 5200. It is fully waterproof. As you will be using it in cold temps, I would reccomend using the fast drying version. I would make a patch shaped to cover the damage and use 5200 to glue it in place. White laminate molded with a heat gun might be a good material to make the patch? This stuff is super strong so if you are planning to remove it at a later date, use it sparingly to reduce the amount of time and effort to get it off.
Any patch is going to be better than what your have. Judging by the picture you have some seriously rotten wood in there. Perhaps some expanding foam to glue it all back together, shape to suit and some fibreglass over the top
Wow, that wooden frame looks very bad, I would be quite worried as to the structural strength of the body in that area.
^^^^^This, but if you haven’t already just tape some polythene over it to prevent too much water getting into the exposed area.
Mate, sorry to say but its fucked. fix it now or you are just kicking it down the road and when you re-encounter it the problem will be MUCH worse.
Doesn’t Bonkers have a nice Campervan for sale?? You’d look good in that @Zhed46. Maybe he’d entertain a part exchange....
My snooty neighbours would LOVE that. I’m already viewed with suspicion and treated in a pretty arm’s length fashion by the viilagers for various reasons including that I’m a tenant rather than owner and I ride motorbikes. In fact the day I was invited to join the village WhatsApp group (it only took them 7.5 months) the first bloody messages I saw were the village Karens complaining about “Motorbike Man” and his raucous exhaust and threatening to stop all bikers cutting through the village by putting a rope axrosss the road as a roadblock at which they’d take names and details. Ffs. Turns out they weren’t referring to me but I was like
I’ll look into the rotten wood later as that’ll be a big job. I may seek redress from the seller as iirc they assured me there was no damp. I need to check my eBay messages and WhatsApps first though. For now I just want to plug the hole.
The joys of village life. I had to quit our village Facebook page as there are only so many threads about the rogue dog owner and their pups doo doos on the pavement I could take.
See, you know it makes sense. Or you could get one of the “Ironic” sticky Elastoplast patches to keep the water out until you’ve more time? https://www.amazon.co.uk/ZygoMax-Ouch-Car-Sticking-Plaster/dp/B00NZX80DI
I had a complaint made against me for: occasionally using power tools during the day time exclusively on weekdays when the weather was good. It disturbed someone as they could hear it when they were in their garden.
Ech! You have an issue there matey-boy. I would get it under cover if you can, get a cheap borescope/endoscope and have a good look up inside to see how far that rot and delamination has gone. Also get yourself a damp meter, they are about a tenner, and test the inside as well, and the floor in fact the whole bloody thing. Perhaps a wee visit here: https://www.motorhomefun.co.uk It is a website that I use that has over 70k subscribers and would be very helpful for your issues. They can be a fountain of knowledge over there and many of them do have some "vintage" rigs and deal with damp repairs, technical issues, advice and other resources;there are many, many technical Yodas! Good luck though, be patient...and don't do anything too hastily! Yes, I do have MH for sale. No, I won't do a p/x!
Try this thread mate, may help ya ooot. https://www.motorhomefun.co.uk/forum/threads/damp-motorhome-project-roof-repair.229213/page-2