I Won The Bin Race!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by PerryL, Oct 22, 2020.

  1. It's collection day tomorrow. Normally the winner has their bins out by Wednesday. I had to go out for something and thought that I may as well do the bins. The garden waste and food bin are collected at god knows what time but they are always done before I am out of bed! They must be doing it in the dark!

    So, I won! Nobody else has done theirs! And then I think that the collection must be cancelled and everybody knows, except me! According to the website, it is on and so I won!

    And I had my other physio visit today. He's looking at my diet as I happened to mention a few weeks go that I wanna lose weight - on a permanent basis and not on a girlie faddy diet. He's in to it as this is his specialising! What I have to do now, is start getting up at the same time every morning, do my exercise cycling, shower, and then walk to my local coffee shop for a coffee.

    This is my type of diet!

    Only trouble is that I should have black coffee and not a latte and toasted sandwich. Dohhhhhhh!!!
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  2. Get a dog, a proper dog, not a froo-froo handbag one. Sorted on the exercise front, he'll also let you know what time the bin men are outside.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. I had a dog that my ex put into kennels when I was in hospital last year. Well, it wasn't really kennels as she lived in a farmhouse - and slept on the bottom shelf of a bookcase - she will drag the books out to make room!

    Somebody who was friends with the family asked if they could have her. I agreed because there was no chance, in the foreseeable future, that I would be able to walk a dog. I've now been home for over a year and I still wouldn't be able to take a dog for a walk - I need all of my concentration for myself!
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  4. Good man, I’ve never won the bins! It’s always a last thing at night much to the annoyance of my neighbours as I slam the garage door :)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. Well, I definitely won! They came, they emptied, and my lovely neighbour returned them to my garden!

    I am in the hunt for the "bin stepping out" championship 2020!
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  6. Errrrr where are my bin pics :thinkingface:
  7. A rather nasty bin was shot in Pakistan a couple of years ago.
  8. I failed and I could of done the whole road!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Good thought! I might label my garden waste bin, "laden"!
  10. I'm getting all excited, I've got a new green bin coming next week. I've cleared a space for it already, guess where I'm putting it ?
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Love You Love You x 1
  11. Fab picture :grinning:
  12. When I think of the days when a team of dustmen with leather shoulder pads, peaked caps and overalls used to walk up the garden path and round the back of the house to hoist the galvanised bins onto their backs, walk back to the dustcart, empty the bin and walk all the way back up the path to put the bin back where it was......

    .....and then today, in hi-viz jackets just about able to wheel one bin six feet from the front of the property, hook it onto the cart mechanism, then not even bother to wheel it back.......

    ....they would die if they had to do all CAT3's bins all on the same day.
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  13. It looks they they have employed all the oaps to collect the bins around here now they have wheels on
  14. What! The OAPs around you have been fitted with wheels to make them work faster? The bimbling idiots, don’t they know there’s a pandemic to worry about!!!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. It’s strange around here :D
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. I remember those days too, when they carried a galvanised bin on their shoulder & when they brought your bin back to where they got it from & put the lid back on.
    Our road looks like a war zone on some bin days, espicially when they've collected our blue bin & brown bins, (paper in the blue bin & plastic/glass/metal in the brown bin).
  17. we used to have coal delivered when i was a kid.. We would stick one or two fingers up depending on what Mum told us to tell the coal man how many sacks we needed.. He would carry them on his back round to our coal shed before emptying his load, he would even lock the shed up and return the keys.. X
  18. We used to have a Yellow wheelie bin With black warning chevrons all over it, a very old and out of date bin.. More commonly known as a has bin... X
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  19. i assume a Bin Laden ..

    • Funny Funny x 1
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