My Third-world Power Supply

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by PerryL, Oct 8, 2020.

  1. When it's given the chance to 'incapacitate'

    I'll get my coat.

    • Funny Funny x 4
  2. Just don’t use lithium batteries :joy:
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  3. I have gas Incase we have power cuts :blush:
    Kettle works and the candles light plus I have my power pac for my phone
    Job done
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  4. Yay! All round to @Ducbird ’s next power cut.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  5. I am going to get solar panels that do charge a battery which powers room heaters. Although my luck would be we get a power cut when there is no sun, I will ask if I can tap into the battery if there is a power cut.

    I have lighting sorted out now. I could run a laptop and use my mobile for an internet connection (I it can get a good enough signal).
  6. Surely the two pole main switch between the company fuse and the meter isolates both ways? If it’s good enough to isolate the house from a live main it should just as adequately isolate the incoming main from a live ring main?
  7. Correct, however it is on the supply side of the fuses, so you would need to have a "break before make" set up to switch to the generator, from the same side.... not easy to achieve; especially keeping to the standards....
    Professional standby generators is where you should be looking for further guidance.

    It was proposed that the ring main could be back fed.... very dangerous and no fuse or earth leakage protection; but then again it might be time to thin the herd.

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  8. if you have that many power cuts do you really want a electric harley ?
  9. It would have a "restful" life....
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  10. Normal service has been resumed!

    It rained and so no power.

    Western NoPower Distribution were a bit annoyed that the weather has the bare-faced cheek to rain at the end of October.

    So, they call the Met Office to complain. "We don't control the weather but just report on it", they are told.

    "That's exactly like us and electricity!", they reply.

    So, Matey has a brilliant idea! "let us get in to weather forecasting and drop all of this electricity crap!", he tells his manager.

    "But we can't, as people need electricity!", comes the reply.

    "Just tell them to go back to candles and log fires for hot water! That's is what some still do in Berkeley!"

    "oh yeah, I'll get some leaflets printed!"

    I went and did my cycling in the knowledge that I could still have a hot shower afterwards with my fake, rip-off hot water heater. Irony of ironies - There is a leaflet through the door to all praise Boris that we are going to have fibre internet available soon - which I already have but not to my door. More road digging and more power cuts to come for this ground-breaking service that nobody here needs! My internet does not work when there is no power but nobody in a position of power and influence realises this and getting the power network working properly should be the priority!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. It’s good to know that they are considering the holistic needs for their communications strategy.

    That makes all the difference to effective metaphysical imagery and interesting rhythmic devices which counterpoint the surrealism of the underlying metaphor of the Vogonity of the poet’s compassionate soul, which contrived through the medium of the verse structure to sublimate this, transcend that and come to terms with the fundamental dichotomies of the other. And one is left with a profound and vivid insight into whatever it was about?
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  12. I think that you both have them sussed.

    Anyone who can write this with a straight face is better than me:

    "Our approach is always to ensure that we take an holistic view of customer needs and provide the best service we can to all customers – regardless of their disability or special need."

    Does "holistic" mean cutting the power weekly and thinking, "my goodness, this power cut is a really holistic one!"? It is not holistic because they never cut the power to the whole of South-West England - just parts of it?
  13. I think my broadband is the world's slowest.
  14. You need a more holistic approach to it
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  15. No chance, mine is , in fact so slow I had to get a 4G router in the house do I could download a film on sky in less than 2 days :bucktooth:
    • Funny Funny x 2
  16. Tried that with Vodafone, they just gave me 15% discount and basically fecked off. I think they made it slower just to piss me off more
  17. Yeh I csn hardly download porn atm
    • Funny Funny x 2
  18. Anyway, this is a power supply thread, I've got electric, 4 hours a day
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