Oil pressure light staying on ST4S

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by DaveyP90, Jun 4, 2013.

  1. Evening all,

    Just carried out a service and a few repairs on my ST4S (loads of help from members as always) and used it for a few bays and bike running like a watch. Then this evening i'm out for a spin, stop for half and hour, start bike to head home and the oil pressure light doesnt go out. I wasnt far from home and bike seemed to be running fine but nursed it home and about to start looking for problem.

    New oil, filter (Ho Flo) were used during service, not leaks, not overheating or anything.

    What should I be looking for? Is it possibly a sensor problem?

    Dave P:upyeah:
  2. its almost certainly the sensor.
    pull the connector out and see if there is any trace of oil in the top of it. If there is then the seal has failed and it is broken. They can fail without leaking though, but its an easy visible check.

    I had one go on my 996 and also my ST4S.
    They don't cost too much (my last one was about 18 quid I think) and are easy to change.

    Hope that helps.
  3. Thanks for the reply, yeah gonna pull it in the morning and see if there's any oil and probably just swap it out anyway. Just swapped out the water temperature sensor which was faulty. Sensors seem to be a real weak point which is a shame.
  4. I had one of these go on mine too Dave. Fairly common issue, so much so that they are stocked as a service item in the Ducati shop.
  5. Looks like that what it might be, got a loan of a oil pressure gauge so going to do a test in the morning anyway and then change the sensor as a matter of course...
  6. These oil pressure switches are available from vauxhall and vw garages for just a few quid each,defo the same part,I think they were £3 each,Ducati dealers sell them for about £20 each,piss takers .
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