Hi, I have just sold a pair of ASV brake & clutch levers on ebay. The buyer has just opened a case against me as he thinks that they do not fit his Streetfighter. My question is that they were off of my 1098 and as far as I'm aware the 848/1098 has the same levers as the 848/1098 Streetfighter and should fit both bikes. Can anyone confirm this please as I think I'm right and this chap wants a full refund etc:frown:
with fleabay there is no point in arguing with toss pots fleabay will always agree / side with them, just offer to refund his money when he has returned the goods , once he has to go to the effort of repackaging them and posting them at his expense to get a refund he will probably go quiet, you can get a refund of fees from flea bay and just relist them, aternatively list them for sale on various ducati internet forums and avoid ebay fees and ebay scammers altogther
I always list things as direct fitment from whence they came. If they go off piste then that their problem. ASV website has all the fitments and p/n's on there. Have a look and if they are the same p/n's then its his ineptitude at fitting and not your listing. Though you must wonder how they manage to brush their teeth in the morning if they cant fit a lever http://asvinventions.com/Applications/DucatiSport.pdf