No Faggots This Xmas!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by BIG M, Nov 19, 2020.

  1. Radio 1 is not going to be playing the original version of The Fairytale of New York because of the Faggot reference. Does anyone care about the word Faggot or indeed faggotso_O? Are gay people really offended? or is it a bit like having a bald head, bald people don’t care it just seems to bother the people with hair?:thinkingface:
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  2. I wondered what the sub headline on the internet news was. Just ridiculous. Andy
  3. And I thought that you were just sticking to turkey....

    Turkey must be offensive to someone?
  4. i think its fair to say we now know what will be the crimbo No1.
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  5. ridiculous

    luckily for me i'd rather jam a cactus up my gentleman vegetable than listen to radio 1
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  6. But what are they going to replace the word “Faggot” with?........”Fudge Packer”.....perhaps :thinkingface:
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  7. Chutney ferret
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  8. One of the better christmas songs IMO.
    I'm guessing we will just have to endure an endless diet of mistletoe and wine instead.
  9. Doesn't that encourage rape and alcoholism? ;)

    Anyone can find offence in anything if they look hard enough
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  10. Maggot?
  11. I think there are bigger hills on which to die than one line in a song.
    It hardly seems worth firing up the outrage bus, still at least it will give the permanently offended snowflakes something else to froth over when they finish with the Sainsburys ad.
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  12. yep that just about says it all really.. you’ve got Radio one playing so called music day and night with lyrics ( i use the term loosely there) about gang crime, drugs, blowing each other’s brains out and calling each other by banned words..

    yet poor old Kirsty McColl who’s not alive to defend herself and Shane Macgowan who’s never sober enough to defend anyone, sing a line with faggot in it there’s uproar ..

    Next for the chop me thinks...the TV prog called Loose Women, that ones going to be difficult to replace, you can’t have sloppy women or game women can you..

    Perhaps a snappy title with an sub explanation like ..
    Loose ( but only in the sense that they’re free to discuss topical things at leisure with coffee whilst in front of a TV audience ) Women..
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  13. You’re so right Noods, the use of the “n” word (not even sure I’d be allowed to type it) is rightly banned, it’s deeply offensive to many & that has to be respected, unless of course you’re a young black man, then you can use it on the streets, to your mates in the pub, in song & in print. That is so many kinds of wrong that nothing makes sense anymore. If a word is OK for some to use & not others, that is divisive-exactly what you’re trying to avoid, but as you say call someone a faggot, even in a comic song written in a way where clearly the protagonist is rowing with her partner (what so now do we ban all books, film & TV where a negative stereotype is spoken) & all hell breaks loose.
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  14. They only used faggot, to rhyme with maggot, because “back gardener” did not work. Cant win.
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  15. there’s also a line in there about a horse coming in at 18/1 so i’m surprised they were not forced to add another line like “ please gamble responsibly and when the fun stops, stop! “ X
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  16. I'm offended
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