Bit Of Looped Wire That Holds Speedo Cable....

Discussion in 'Supersport (1974-2007)' started by Stuartanthony, Nov 19, 2020.

  1. Well done! Trouble is, they're bloomin' expensive if just buying one (just tried it). Wondering about buying 5 and putting 4 on sale here (or fleabay). Also checked Google and perhaps Husqvarna/KTM has same part available in UK.
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  2. bet bike breakers yards have loads of assorted ones failing that make one out of stainless welding rod
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  3. Make one, it isn't hard.

    A vice and a couple of sockets is all that is needed.

    If I had some stainless wire I could do it in five minutes.
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  4. PS.....bend the bolt fixing loop first......that's the hardest bit. I would use an 8mm OD bar or screwdriver to form the 10mm diameter loop....

    Then do the right angle bit next (after working out the length needed when all completed) Use a 5mm or 6mm OD bar or screwdriver.

    Finish with the main loop bend. Use say, 15mm - 18mm OD bar or socket.
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  5. well, I've just ordered 3mm dia x 300m length of stainless steel rod..... will post a photo of my end result.

    Thanks to all.
  6. Three hundred metres should be enough for a few trial runs, then one each for all of the forum members!
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  7. Practice on coat hanger wire first to get the hang of it.
  8. 'three hundred metres should be enough for a few trial runs, then one each for all of the forum members!'

    Well spotted, sadly just 300mm so enough for just me.... and no trial run (apart from with a coat hanger)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. I think 3mm might be a bit thick....have a feeling the original was nearer 2.5mm.

    Anyway, you may have to heat it before you bend it to stop it cracking.....just heat, bend and let it cool naturally.
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