What Are Your Riding Plans For 2021?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Nov 29, 2020.

  1. Ride Ride Ride, anywhere and everywhere!
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  2. Hopefully the EMM (European Multistrada Meeting) in Portugal plus some Picos and Spain on the way there and back

    PS the north Antrim coast in Ireland is lovely. Giant’s causeway and Bushmills
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  3. My plan was to finish the 916 restoration and take it over to the TT classic, after today's news I now have an extra year to finish the bike
  4. 1. Now I live out in the sticks I’m planning to get crossers for me and son #2.

    2. Possibly a foreign track day trip early on in the year.

    3. Take part in the Cafe Racer Cup race if they run it this year after losing my spot last year due to missing an important email and then this year they converted it into a track day due to Covid.

    4. Finish off my projects! I have two on the go which have been at the 80% finished ie: useable but scruffy stage for a couple of years now.

    Which reminds me - I need to start threads Re: 1&4.
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