Windows 10 Format

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by prestige455, Nov 30, 2020.

  1. Hi guys! I just tried to format my friend's PC (windows 10). I visited the official Microsoft site and followed the instructions on how to download the most recent version of windows 10 in a USB stick. Before that, I followed the typical method to format my USB, stick of course (right click on USB file - format...). I don't know if that would be a problem, but I downloaded windows 10 inisialised in Greek language. After I entered my windows key, it asked me which version do I want to install (Windows 10 Home - Windows 10 Home N - Windows 10 Pro - Windows 10 Pro N - Windows 10 Education - Windows 10 Education N). I clicked on Windows 10 Home option, but it refused to proceed to the next step (it spits an error saying that the procedure stopped because something stopped working. It won't specify what). I tryied to chose another version (all lead to the same result) and the process looks good, till the part that the installation starts. After the 1% checkpoint, it stops again and shows an error with a code I don't remember. I know it would be much easier if I just mention the error code, but that's extremely difficult for now.
  2. Try putting it into ahci mode in the bios
  3. You could phone Microsoft technical Support on 0344 800 2400 from the UK. I have used them a few times, they are pretty reasonable but tend to expect you to reinstall windows. As yours hasn't installed yet then it should be less of a problem.

    Have you tried using an ISO instead? Also I think UEFI has to be set up before installation commences.
  4. I was thinking the same ..... I remember when W10 was new and people doing fresh installs ( rather than upgrades )
    came unstuck because " Legacy Mode " needs to be disabled in BIOS first .
    That way UEFI is forced to be the only possible install option .

    Another potential spanner in the works is " Secure Boot " .... but I really can't recall the right settings

    These may be helpful ...
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  5. After 10 years of a stable XP Pro SP3 on a fast PC, I have acquired a newer PC with Windows 10 Pro on it.

    F****ng horrible OS....can't get my head round it.....files not where you expect them to be, duplicated when they don't need to be, won't run many if any of my older programs (which will cost a fortune to upgrade if they still exist).....silly bloody things like Cortana, piss poor security and anti-virus programs......

    By the time I get my head round bloody W10, W11 or W12 will be introduced.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  6. Could be worse. Could be Win 7
    • Agree Agree x 1

  7. There is a mode to run older programs, I have used it on a few and it has mostly worked. It does cover Windows XP as well.
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    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  8. I use Classic Shell also and it does a decent job of making Windows feel a lot better. Get that and also use "God" mode and you will find Windows easier to work with.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  9. The problem is with classic shell it’s not been updated for a few years , we had it on our work computers and it caused a few issues with the operating system big updates , a big one just wouldn’t ever install but once I took classic shell off it installed the update
  10. Unfortunately, Classic Shell is no longer being developed and inevitably it will become redundant in due course. Mine works fine with both the standard Windows 10 and the newer cumulative update, which whilst quicker to boot does not allow networking using SMB1.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. That's the problem. It would be much easier if I had access to BIOS, but when I open the BIOS menu, his PC freezes and refuses to respond, till I shut it down from the start button. It's probably a technical issue by the inside and now from windows. I forgot to mention that.
  12. No, because I wanted to change the windows version and remove everything from his PC. I think the best way to do it is via USB installation, the ISO will not give the best results. Maybe I'm wrong and I should try it. Also, thank you for the Microsoft calling advice. I never thought that I could do such a thing
  13. Check my reply to evoboy. Thank you so much, on my way to check it out
  14. I'm sick of it. That's the reason he asked me to format it for. Almost none file was working properly. All of his games were bugging or had a problem in opening. Now there's a problem with the installation (first time to me, but happened). I'm always waiting for Windows 11 (or whatever is the new name) and I hope that they will fix, at least, the most of the issues.
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