Banned & Inappropriate Registration Plates

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Dec 9, 2020.

  1. Wonder if Steve Parrish' PEN15 has been banned.
  2. BO70 CKS
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  3. Someone had something like w411ker near me

    and a friend has Dboloks (or similar) can’t remember the exact spelling
  4. Back in the late 60s I sold my registration number on my Mini (actually, I sold the car with the number) to a certain porn baron for his girlfriend's car.
  5. What was the plate?
  6. It is now owned by Hannah and Billy Smart, but it is up for auction at £180,000.......

    I sold the car and the plate for £475, IIRC.....
  7. Dvla need to grow up. If its not racist or really offensive Like NA21 or some such they should let people have whatever they like, just by order on their website. Its something the Yanks have done really well, plus they charge extra fees so the state makes more revenue. Stuffy Britain needs to wake up -its almost 2021.
    #8 Jez900ie, Dec 9, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2020
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  8. Right so before I decide if I want to buy it, I would like to know what the letters & numbers are! LOL.
  9. New thread? :thinkingface:

    Could be..
    ORG 45M
  10. How can anyone be offended about a funny or rude numberplate.:confused:
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  11. Back in the 70’s glamour model Fiona Richmond had the reg FU 2 on her car.
  12. Indeed she did!

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  13. That's a challenge for any man who wants to get his leg over with a registration number like that.
  14. Not that much room in the car either, but where there's a will...
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  15. Let's hope they've used the correct metal gauge on that very long bonnet.
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  16. No offense intended, but blow me you must be getting on a bit ;)
  17. Appropriate plate for that bloke shame it couldn’t fit ‘I am a fucking’ before that bit
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  18. When I was very young, there were two old ladies used to drive around out town in an Austin 1300 (I think) with the reg. GB1. I imagine it will be worth a small fortune now but to them it was just easy to remember
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