a good old boy is coming around Saturday to collect, if he doesn't maybe @Dirty Leeds could oblige for ya, a bit bit weighty and lumpy for RM, i will let ya know.
An S2r800 that doesn't leak from the oil filter and has a non-swollen tank, or the time and money to fix both for good. The filter's hopefully easy and will be sorted in the next week but the tank's the hard / expensive part. The Cagiva Mito's also started to leak oil but that's a "split the engine to replace a gasket" so that may wait until it seizes (which it will at some point, it's only a matter of time) And my van had an advisory for an oil leak, there seems to be a theme running through my vehicles at the moment...
I'd to transport a rug for a friend in recent times and the dog or cat had a little accident on it,anyway i left it in the van overnight & the following morning,
The shits alway deliver the bad news just as you’re getting into the festive spirit of things. The shits.
I have a brand new one sat in the garage somewhere. Bought off e Bay. The picture and listing was right for my 1098 turns out to be too short. Believe it fits monsters. If your stuck and seeing as I'm a jolly fat bastard (minus white beard) you can have it. If its any good