I’ve Been Stabbed...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by NOODS X, Dec 21, 2020.

  1. Was driving Mrs N’s Mini Cooper JWC alone along the A14 yesterday PM when a black Fiesta pulled alongside in the other lane, the passenger started pointing at my car indicating what i thought he meant was a puncture.. Thumbs up from me a junction soon came and i went down that and then into a side road .. As i got out key in hand another car pulled up behind me a dark blue Mercedes..

    As i kicked the tyres ( no puncture ) one of two guys with covid mask and hoodie got out and came my way saying no mate you’ve something underneath the car dragging along ( in a middle eastern English ) i got on my knees and looked underneath ..

    The next thing i knew was he had his hand around my neck telling me give me the keys or i will stick you..

    As i was still half under the car i purposely dropped the key ..

    I said as best i can the keys in the ignition..

    He allowed me up and said get them ..

    He had his hand in one pocket of his hoodie as he pushed me towards the car ..

    I’m getting on a bit but from the age of about 8 -17 i boxed a lot, My Dad was well into it so i just followed back then.. I fancied my chances here so as i opened the car door i turned and threw a punch at his chin, it was a glancing blow but enough to knock him down.. i grabbed his hand bending it back on itself and he was in agony screaming in pain..

    With that the second one jumped out and came my way, so i let go of the first one expecting to go toe to toe with the other one but no he shouted something foreign and the first one got up pushed into me like i was in his way before jumping in their car and drove off at speed..

    It was so quick and tbh i was both buzzing and yet stunned at the same time..

    I bent down to get my key from under the car and as i did so i felt wet around my lower back, i’d been stabbed, must have been when he pushed into me..

    i felt ok so dang the police .. They got to me quickly however i was feeling really sleepy by now apparently i had lost a lot of blood..

    Luckily no major damage, they washed the wound etc and stitched it.. I’ve to have blood checks etc as i’m diabetic and have no spleen to make sure i don’t catch something later.. Also have got to have a Covid-19 check too..

    police caught them in Essex but no sign of the first car yet.. Police told me the first one points out a problem and what you don’t realise is there’s a second car following you which is part of the plan, this one follows you and steals your car..

    Unbelievably Police say the first attacker has tried to get me charged for assault??

    The police said they have to look into it but there will be no charge to answer..

    They did say mind that i should have just let them take the car as it might have been a fatality incident..

    I’m ok though just sore tired and stiff.. X
    • WTF WTF x 7
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  2. Jesus! What a great world we now live in! Glad you’re ok and we’ll done for popping at least one of em!
  3. Holy feck - nightmare.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Fucking hell Noods, when are you going to cop a break from drama?
    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. I'm glad you lived to tell the tale. I get why the police say just hand over your keys but I also understand we don't always do what's safest when we find ourselves in a tight spot. You are a brave man to take them on. I hope they get what they deserve.
    Get well soon
  6. Fuck sake. Seriously awesome for sticking up for yourself mate. Despite what the soft wankers in this country often say, if you don’t stand up for yourself.. no fucker else will.

    hope you mend up quickly! I’d be inclined to speak to the press (awful I know) but just to get some public support going, as often the crooks seem to be able to somehow put up a decent legal battle.

    Once again, awesome - fuck yeah! (Get well soon)
    • Agree Agree x 2
  7. Jesus christ,if they're not nicking Royal Mail post boxes then this shit,what a cesspit this country is now becoming.
    You live to fight another day Noods.:upyeah:
  8. That's horrific, hope you recover OK and I really really hope you broke that tossers jaw.
    Thanks for sharing, the more people that know these mongrels tactics the more incidents can be avoided.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Jesus Noods you get in to some scrapes!

    Glad you’re ok.
  10. Time for a dash cam?

    Garmin tandem'
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  11. Or maybe a image change is required now for the ruff & tuff 2021 year.
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  12. Police said they search for individuals driving desirable cars ones they can turn around quickly..

    I’ve no camera unfortunately and the police said both cars are/were likely, on stolen plates..

    If it happens again with someone pointing a poss problem out i’m going to note what vehicle is behind, if it follows me i ain’t stopping... i shall just call the ICF as back up.. X
    • Like Like x 1
  13. The worst part is my right hand has swollen quite badly, i’ve been putting it in ice..

    Apparently, not that i’ve seen it it was mentioned on late local news last night...


  14. Amazing how it’s not all over the news but someone visiting their bird for a quick bout of hide the sausage during flu season will be.

    this country is fucked
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. This type of carjack/robbery was extremely common when I lived in Napoli in the early 90’s - happened to a number of the expats I worked with but nobody ever got hurt (apart from financially).
    Really glad to hear you weren’t badly hurt and hope you recover soon.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Well done for holding you own. Doubt if anything will come of it but do let us know...
  17. So glad to hear that it’s not more serious than it was Noods.

    Take care of yourself mate.
  18. Kin ell. Glad it ended ok ish for you in the end, must be nice knowing you still got the knockout punch tho eh
  19. Wow scumbags!!! Glad you are ok and managed to hurt the pricks pride with the punch and hopefully you done some damage to the c**t. Thanks for sharing keep us all on our toes. I’m always watching expecting something to happen while on the Duc but not so much in the car I’ll be a bit more vigilant from now on.
  20. Jesus @NOODS X it’s been a hell of a year for you and again it’s a hell of a lucky escape. I think you’ve used up all your 9 lives now
    • Funny Funny x 1
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