New Year’s Eve?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Dec 28, 2020.

  1. So.......What do you normally do? And what are your plans this NYE?
  2. No plans just food and drink :)
  3. Chinese takeaway and entertain the dog to distract him from the knobheads with fireworks!
  4. The usual
  5. Ditto as above,like most folks on here did the mad dash to Switzerland one year,the dinner around the table with friends,the pub lock ins etc.
  6. Food and fireworks. Usually asleep by 11pm but promised the kids I'll make an effort to stay up.
  7. fvck new years eve............ if boxing days' night was to go by, hooked up with all the family via zoom we quizzed with each other, featuring cazoos, an engagement took place. We all laughed till there was involuntary bladder incidents much drinking took place. I done a bottle of dark rum, first real drink for nearly two years, needless to say i was very quiet yesterday.
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  8. Did mine on the 21st...:sun::party:
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  9. Light the stove put on some sounds and drink home made ale ! IPA will be ready for racking by Wednesday. 20201106_174953[1].jpg
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  10. Hogmanay is normally a bigger deal than crimbo up here and normally we are through in Edinbro for it. but sadly not this year, it is also my wedding anniversary so the kids get a separate room and are NOT up until the wee small hours on their devices. sadly not this year. :(
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  11. An evening bbq, praps not tonight under a blanket of snow here.
  12. Table booked at Twenty Stories for six of us, then off to the Ritz for a good old fashioned knees up until the wee hours!

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