I consider myself very lucky to have worked continually throughout,and not had to lay anyone off! In fact the opposite!! But the highlight I think was getting the V4r!
Not having any holidays for over a year, that's a record for us, bought my Monster 695, why didn't I get one sooner!. No major health worries except usual old age wearing me out, lost several good friends lately, none due to the virus, no money or job worries , we are both retired, missing the Manx was a bummer, hopefully next year.
Was fortunate to get away to Spain earlier this year, flew into Barcelona and used the train to get to Malaga stopping off at various places on the way down. Covids was getting all to real so we cut it short. Got the camper van out, and all within guidelines, drove to Enniskillen to catch up with our family from across the boarder. Managed to get a weeks camping on the Pembrokeshire coast. Apart from that and working when I could, nothing really.
i wasnt really locked down but i too have done a fair bit of gardening during lock down, but more the manly building stuff kind. spent a bit of dosh on the house and got a new bathroom fitted. looking v,good and first ever shower. juzus, how did i cope before? became a farmer for a few days, that was fun. told a couple of customers to feck off and never come back, that was rewarding. life's too short. got my shed back.
tis true, sheds are v,important to a bloke, why else would the Mrs try to infiltrate it. *watching her*
tried that, i got a bigger house, she filled it with shite, i got a decent size lean too built, she filled it with shit, i built a good sized shed, she filled it with shit. i bought her a shed and filled it with her shit.
got terminated, extended, re-terminated, Extended gain, stuck in Oman for nearly 3 months so then technically sacked myself by leaving on a repatriation fight due to total lack of faith in the management functions… so then my first time i have ever been unemployed, but as i had a bit of a safety plan i went to Assen and then to Most ( CZ) on a track day to keep my spirits up.. after 6 weeks at home doing CV's and stressing, i put 'plan A' in effect, and have been working as a consultant Project/Site in Cyprus since July, which has been a great challenge but also a positive one at that. lets hope 2021 stabilizes soon and Brexit doesn't mess with my plans too much....
To be honest lockdown didn't really impact to much, we have worked through it all, never been busier. Managed 4000 miles on the Tuono One track day on the Pani And a new bike in the shape of a Husqvarna FE350. Few trips in the camper. Olivers mount to get my road racing fix.
Highlights Managed to get a couple of euro trips in, despite all the cancellations and increasingly difficult C-19 compliance. Almeria March - Great trip, lots of chat about Covid, but no restrictions in place. Mate broke his collar bone, so not so good for him Estoril - never been on my list of tracks to do, but Portugal opened up and Portimao sold out, so gave it a go. Won't be rushing back! Almeria Oct - Low numbers due to Covid along with perfect weather Other Highlights Took up cycling - which kept me fit and sane. Still have a job, although mostly working from home. Still healthy (I hope) Not so good. Lost sis to Cancer. Don't smoke kids.
We've had lots of major home projects to manage this year including window and siding replacements. New detached garage is waiting for shingles to come in. COVID has delayed supplies multiple times which means work will continue next Spring too. My son and his girlfriend, having moved from California in August, are here working remotely. He took a new job in Washington DC and was told to wait for the word to report to the office(maybe in the Spring?). Meanwhile they go to his Dad's/my ex for a few days each week to spend time with and help care for him as he battles brain cancer. At our house we try to have as much fun as possible; dirt bike riding, watching movies(followed MotoGP racing on Sundays), cooking good food, snowshoeing, snowmobiling and whatever else we can find to do. We even made it to some track days and hope to do more this Spring. It will be a REALLY sad day for me when they move on. First pic is my son and I heading out for a short ride. Their bikes are in storage in DC. Luckily I have more than one. 2nd pic is me and his girlfriend on a dirt bike at the end of a track day. 3rd pic was a weekend setup. They are relaxing while Can Ams were running under the lights on the track that night. Can Am pic is terrible but gives a sense of the atmosphere.
Highlights My second grandson William, born 2nd July....we haven’t even seen him yet as my daughter lives in Brisbane, he’s a little chubber and has various nicknames ranging from “ Fattycakes” “ the chubster”. and. “ Big Willy” ....as you can see I’ve started the Ducati indoctrination early!! Second highlight Bought a new tour bike for the 3 European trips we had planned this year,.....none of which happened!! Those are the highlights, but tbh I’m really struggling with boredom now, this thing seems like it’s going on forever and I’m not very good at sitting on my arse and doing nothing, been doing a fair bit of walking and cycling when the weather allows, but it’s really got a bit snowy this week,...mustn’t grumble as I’ve got friends who have lost relatives in this pandemic, ..like everyone else I’ll be so pleased to see the back of 2020. Stay safe people