Good Riddance 2020

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Sam1199, Jan 1, 2021.

  1. 2020 hey. What a year.

    Last New Year’s eve I knew we were looking at a terrible year. My wife had just been diagnosed with cancer but despite the shit storm we had plenty of good times too and you know what, we laughed a lot too.

    This is how it went.

    Cancer diagnosis. Followed by the worst flu we’d ever had in our lives. Totally floored us, New Year’s Eve we were too ill to go out. We stayed in despite having paid for the bash. We didn’t want to give that shitty bug to anyone else, how ironic.

    Saw the Oncologist again, he said something else had shown up too.

    ‘Oh ffs what now’?

    She had two broken ribs (from coughing so much)!

    ‘Oh! Is that all’? We just laughed it was such relief. The Oncologist was a little surprised, we laughed at his reaction too.

    Then Chemo.

    Then the Mrs’s hair fell out, I had to shave her head.That was a weird one but we laughed, we actually laughed while I was doing it.

    Out of the blue, a phone call, no warning, no preamble, Chemo cancelled half way through due to the oncoming pandemic. Emergency operation scheduled. The shock of it was the only time there were tears.

    Operation on the first day of lockdown, we felt lucky in a way. Cancer removed, thank god for that but as a present they gave my wife Covid-19 to go home with.

    Drove home from the hospital through a totally deserted centre of London, felt like royalty. A week later the Mrs confessed to a sniffing problem. Oh yeah! She’d lost all sense of taste and smell. Then the other symptoms came on. She’d definitely got it.

    The flu at New Year wasn’t Covid after all.

    A week later I had every symptom going. It got bad, damn near called an ambulance but only the thought of not coming back stopped me from doing it. She recovered quick, probably helped by various drugs she was given with her treatment.

    Two months for me to recover from Covid. I was assured I had man flu and laughed at, I couldn’t even do a half mile walk.

    Lockdown, the sun shone, we spent time doing nothing without feeling guilty. We enjoyed it, even sunbathed in the garden. Food was delivered and I learnt to cook...a bit.

    Lockdown ended, her hair started to grow and she looked totally cool with the new ultra short hairstyle. Mine grew too but not so cool.

    We didn’t think she’d need it but Chemo resumed for much longer than we thought. Hair fell out again. Out with the clippers again, we’ve done it once we can do it again.

    I was banned from entering hospital because of Covid rules, she had to go on her own. The Mrs stood up to it remarkably well. I cooked, I taxied, I built two bathrooms.

    Chemo finished. It was done and we had a little celebration.

    Then 12 months of 3 weekly injections were prescribed, bummer. Possible side effects of drugs were irritability, and weight gain. So I told her;

    ‘I don’t want to be waking up next to a fat, bald, irritable person’. Quick as a flash she said,

    ‘Neither do I’!

    Fantastic! We laughed like hell at that and it still makes me chuckle now.

    October, there was a gap, so I grabbed that.

    ‘Off you go, just don’t be too long’. So I went to Spain on a bike. Isolating on return was a bore but I did some diy.

    Early December the oncologist said there’s no benefit continuing with the injections. It can cause heart problems so stop now and suddenly apart from daily tablets that was it, finished.

    Which meant that just before Christmas suddenly we had the chance to stay with my nephew in Dubai. That’s what ‘the patient’ said she wanted to do for Christmas so I grabbed the chance, booked it and two days later we were on the plane. Much to our daughters disapproval. We left before tier3 kicked in and before tier4 was announced. I didn’t even know there was such a thing as tier4. A Covid test before leaving, another on arrival, all clear.

    2021 is already better. We celebrated New Year with family on the 46th floor overlooking The Palm and the most fantastic fireworks displays.

    The summary is, despite everything the NHS did a great job for my Mrs. and despite everything we had plenty of good things out of 2020. I don’t blame the government and I don’t blame anyone else, except China, for unleashing this shit storm on the world.

    I firmly believe life is what you make it. You have to make the best of the rough and the smooth.

    2020? It could have been worse.
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  2. How was it for you?
  3. It could always have been worse Sam, but most of us haven’t been through what you two have. Here’s to a 2021 we can remember for all the right reasons. Cheers!
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  4. A lovely thing to read Sam; you’re wife and yourself have a great attitude to life! Onwards and upwards!
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  5. Great read as usual Sam. Thumbs down for the bad bits obviously but you have a great attitude and I'm glad things are looking up for you both.

    My years not been great either but nowhere near as bad as yours.

    I had four euro trips cancelled so decided to do a few local Donington trackdays. Did one at the beginning of August but after 2 sessions I began to feel unwell with chest pain so went to the medical centre which was only just up from my pit garage.

    There was no one around so I walked back to my pit garage but on the way I bumped into one of the organisers who had a radio with him.

    He called for an ambulance to come off track to get me checked over and sat with me until they arrived. I was feeling pretty bad by now so was glad when they got to me.

    We went straight into the medical centre and they hooked me up for an ECG. As soon as it was active the paramedic looked at me and said "you're having a heart attack we're off to Derby Royal."

    They took me straight there under blue lights and wouldn't let me get my phone or anything else from the pit garage as the first hour is pretty critical evidently. I was on my own so I was more worried about my kit and bike at that point.

    When we got there I was in and on the operating table within 5 minutes. The paramedic was great and helped me get out of my boots and leathers so that they didn't have to cut them off and he took the access code for my phone and a couple of names of people he would let know where I was.

    Less than an hour later I was back in a private room in the CCU having had a couple of stents fitted.

    I managed to get hold of one of the guys who works for me to arrange to get my kit collected from Donington. When he got there later in the day all my stuff was packed away in my truck and the bike was strapped down in the box trailer.
    I'm not sure if the MSV guys packed my stuff or the other guys in the garage but they did a great job and I'm eternally grateful.

    My condition is hereditary but with the medication I'm on now for the rest of my life there should be no further problems.

    I feel as fit now as I ever was and am back exercising and running with no ill effects so feel very lucky.
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  6. I admire your positivity & glad things are looking up for your wife.
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  7. Again not as bad as you, hold onto her, never let her go, I only wish mine was still with me, my first Christmas alone for 20 years. I have my girls and thats the most important thing, but its a real struggle looking after 3 girls, learning to deal with females things, girls need their mother. But she made her choice and his bed so good luck to her, and him, they will live to regret their decisions. Good luck to you and your wife for a fit and healthy 2021, let's all hope we can get back to normal soon.
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  8. My wife went through the cancer and chemo thing a few years back and so I had to laugh at the shaving her head bit. I shaved her head on the day our first grandchild was born and the photos of Jo with a baby that had more hair than her still make us smile! Six infusions of taxydosyl later and all the rest of her hair was gone too, from everywhere! Her nose started running and did not stop for a couple of years! Sorry to hear you guys had to deal with the covid on top of that, but glad that you got through it!
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  9. Well that’s a tough one to deal with. I’m glad to hear you’re back on form and long may it continue.
    Also, heartwarming to hear that others had helped where they could by packing all your gear. A simple thing but great that they did it.

    I think we’re in for a tough time early this year but hopefully by Easter we’ll be coming out of it.
    Hopefully it’s light at the end of the tunnel and not an oncoming train!
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  10. It’s a painful process for anyone to go through but a credit to you that your girls are with you. Enjoy them while you can. They’ll sort themselves out and be stronger for it.
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  11. Mine too has been a totally shit worst year ever but FA compared to yours mate!
  12. Really really glad to see it turned out well for you both Sam and you've realized how important you are to each other. Long may it continue.
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  13. It sounds like you laughed adversity in the face and won. Well done to both of you and hopefully see you on track somewhere soon.
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  14. I admire your positivity and outlook on life! And that rubs off on to others. All the best for 2021 and beyond.
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  15. And you were able to laugh! Strong people.
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  16. Lovely read as always Sam!
    2020 was not great but certainly beat 2019 for us with the wife's thyroid infection and long recovery and my accident with the Hyper. The worst thing about 2020? No travel after March, but since June at least we have been able to travel locally, which helps.

    As you said, it is what you make of it.

    All the best to everyone for 2021!
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  17. This year will be better, it has to be. Things will turn around when they get the vaccine out.
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  18. Congratulations Sam and missus, that's fantastic. Here's hoping for a better 2021, eh?

    Not sure I could have coped with caring for my old lady, she had a massive stroke to go with her lung cancer, during the Covid thing. Luckily for us that was back at the end of 2017 and we managed to get her home for quite a few of the months up to her death in September 2018. I'm guessing that would have been impossible under current circumstances, bearing in mind the amount of care she needed.
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  19. I agree Sam :)
    Love reading your stories
    Love to Mrs Sam and you of course :D
    • Love You Love You x 1
  20. I’m very sorry to read that Indie. It’s a bit late to offer my condolences but of course you have them nonetheless. The only thing we can think is that she’s in a better place now.
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