IoM TT 2014

Discussion in 'Rideouts & Events' started by Dave, May 26, 2013.

  1. Anyone fancy a trip to the TT next year?

    I've never been, and if I'm going to get there next year then now is the time to start planning I reckon.
  2. im in same postion. was supposed to go this year but being best man at a wedding pissed on that plan. i could be be up for it.
  3. You may want to get your ferry booked sooner rather than later if you're thinking of going. Refundable £40 deposit gets you a provisional sailing which doesn't have to be confirmed until end of Feb and can be changed as spaces come available due to cancellations.

    The Steam Packet Company opened their website to bookings for TT 2014 yesterday (Mon 27/05). I managed to book 3 bikes & riders out of Liverpool on 30/05 @ 8:00pm (first race is Sat 31/05) but couldn't book any return on Sat 07/06 presumably because they are full. Just looked again and the ferry I booked out of Liverpool is also now full.
  4. Booked for 2014 ,29th to the 9 of june £40 ,wait till the wife finds out :eek:
    Cant wait till saturday night for tt 2013 ,2 more sleeps to go and the weathers looking no to bad happy days :upyeah:
  5. Booked my 2014 ferry tickets at 11:30pm on Monday when I eventually got on to the website, and had to settle for early am Friday 30th May and return Monday morning 9th June.
    The greedy B****s have put the deposit up by another £10 to £40! It was only £20 a couple of years ago.

    I did the big rucksack and tankbag stuff for many years, but really can't be bothered anymore, sending a box of clothes n stuff doesn't cost too much.
    For 2013 my box was despatched on Tuesday with a reputable Courier company and should arrive Friday morning at my usual Homestay accomodation.
    Camping - did that for the first few years, but I am neither young nor (fool)hardy anymore, so Homestay/Hotel/BnB is the preferred option.

    Only 140 miles for me to the 14:15 Heysham ferry tomorrow but it looks like it will be a wet ride. Good waterproof jacket, trousers, gloves, and Sealskinz socks are necesseties for any trip to the Island but I prefer not to start my holiday in them.
    Just the little matter of going back to work now till 6pm.
  6. The weather is really great; warm, dry, sunny and calm all week. The racing is great, with Michael Dunlop on top form. The island of dreams is as extraordinary as ever. Mr R got his sprag clutch fixed. And I keep running into old friends and new friends. What's not to like?
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  7. Nice to meet you Pete, hope to see you again tonight.
  8. And so we did, albeit only very briefly. Good turnout at the Italian bike gathering at Port Erin railway station, on the platform. Mainly Ducatis, but plenty of Guzzis, MVs, Aprilias, Benellis, Laverdas too.
  9. As you guys are there, I think its only fair to bring back some souvenirs :upyeah: Glad you guys are having a great time.....bastards :mad:
  10. I was supposed to be going this year until my mate was knocked off.

    Yes you need to book up now. Regency who do the packages started taking deposits over a week ago, in fact before the TT even started.

    Just trying to get straight answers from friends as to whether they want to go and if so what package. Or is it best just to book the ferry and sort camping later??
  11. Just had an email from a mate, he has booked our ferries!

    So need to sort out camping. Anyone make any recommendations?
  12. Tent....:biggrin:

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  13. Have a virtual slap.... ;-)
  14. Oh mate rang this evening to see whether we should book snowboarding AND the TT next year.

    This could get expensive. Not because we're going away twice but because we'll have to compensate the brides. :frown:
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  15. Gonna book the camping today. 350 odd days to go!
  16. Right, having been once before (2011) am watched all of the TT on ITV4 wishing I was there I have acted on impulse and booked my ferry tickets for next year. Looks like the slots are being booked up fast so don't hang about! I know it's early days but would be good to meet up with whoever is going over. I'll possibly be travelling over with the missus and daughter (who at the age of 9 months has already been to the BSB at Oulton Park and WILL be into bikes :) ) and we'll probably camp somewhere near the grandstand (can't remember the name of the football club but they have fantastic showers and facilities). I'll dig out the details and add it to the thread.

  17. We are hopefully camping at St Johns FC...
  18. Does anyone know the cost to take over a VW camper? They don't seem to be very forth coming on actual costs
  19. @Ozz - That's the one! We camped there in 2011 and we'll be back there from Tuesday 3rd - Monday 9th June next year. They're a friendly bunch, good sized pitches, decent showers and they even put on some entertainment and grub. It's a short walk to the grandstand and paddock and easily walkable to the town centre.
    #19 Duff, Jun 10, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2013
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