Digging through some old hard drives in lockdown I found a little film I made of a Wales trip with my two brothers back in 2006. Bit of a poor man's Long Way Down of the time. If you've ever wondered what the Brecons is all about and need something to watch, thought some might find it interesting..
really enjoyed that, if you are still into your off roading and fancy a return let me know and i will if you want put you in contact with my son its our back yard and he has good knowledge of the area.
You guys like your tea! Looks like you had a lot of fun, especially getting over the barriers. Which one are you?
BMW experience or Touratech ( Nick Plumb) both in my village. Well worth the trip i am told ? My son now prefers the big Trailie's he has his KTM1290 all tricked up like riding an armchair off-road........ having said that he has just got another KTM525 absolute beast off road.