Electric Car Charger Home Install - Brands & Experience

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by damodici, Jan 6, 2021.

  1. I need my fix of fumes and noise! 1554715475097 (1).jpg
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  2. worked for Mercedes based company last few years seen a few electric cars non were impressive
    cannot comment on other manufactures but charging was a problem delivery time was down to a specific time ie a couple of hours etc bt the electric cars had to be fully charged on delivery we didnt have proper charge stations as not deemed necessary by powers that be upshot 3 to 4 days charge time may not cost in emissions from the back of the car but most electricity comes from fossil fuel power stations ........
    also as for the way forward how are the majority of vehicle users going to charge there vehicle when they live in a house with no drive or off street parking cable across the footpath overnight dont think so when said cable with regulator is between £400 -£600 after being stolen or sued by someone falling over it
    not that i can park my car outside my house when i get home usually have to park 1 to 2 streets away as half of the houses have been turned into multiple occupancy in the last few years and seem to have 2 or 3 vans per house
    so is the electric car going to be for the more well off that have a drive only and is it going to devalue terrace houses as you will not be able to own a car because you cannot charge one therefore will not be able to travel to work

    just a few thoughts too much time on my hands lol no doubt there are answers
    but i dont think the electric car is the future more down to the technology of the battery's than technology of the cars
    sod it where are the cars of the future i watched the jetsons and back to the future its all lies

    going on ebay now looking for a paraglider more sensible
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  3. The uk infrastructure can cope with 50% conversion from ice to electric after that we are overloaded.
    Electric is an interim emmissions solution.
    Kinda at the mini disc stage for a few years before we all go digital?
  4. I've had the 530e since 2018 and it's been a great car really. Think the range on battery alone is cited at 31 Miles on the gen 1 I've currently got, but reality is probably 20 something but enough for me to get to the office and back or a short trip to town. It's built exceptionally well, drives great and is plenty fast and engaging enough to enjoy driving it.

    Lease is up end of March and was going to go with a Tesla model 3 performance, one of my colleagues swapped out from his 530e to the tesla back in summer and having asked him a couple of weeks ago what his overall thoughts were he pretty much helped me make my own mind up to go with the new face lift 530e gen2 and hold out going full ev for another 3 years.

    He's had the tesla long enough now, and by all accounts after the initial buzz of stupid 0-60 speed the shine quickly wore off. Silly things on it like the range in cold months drops to 150 Miles, some mornings it won't pre condition without him actually going outside and sitting in the car, turning it on and off before heading back inside at which point it then connects.

    He's had numerous times that the screen is simply blank and none responsive, and with that being the only way to control every aspect of the car from the speedo, climate etc it causes quite an issue. Sometimes takes 15-20 minutes before it'll come back on.

    The seats aren't particularly great, no side support and they don't drop very low and with no dashboard clocks or anything it gives a feeling you're sat a bit high. This is all before we get to the back door needing to be slammed as though you're launching it into space, the boot struts being so cheap that occasionally the boot lid doesn't lift high enough under its own steam.

    Essentially while the tax saving is a good incentive, when the world gets back to some normality and I actually need to travel a bit of distance I just can't see me being able to enjoy the tesla in the same way as the 530e.

    So I'm just getting an order together for a new M sport version and a few other extras and I'll suck it up for another lease until there's more options for full ev
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  5. See post above, my colleagues 300+ range from his tesla performance drops to 150 at best in cold weather, that's when it decides to work first thing in the morning too
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  6. I have just inherited a Volvo V60 D5 hybrid and have not paid for diesel since early December. I charge it off a 13A outlet.

    On a run from home down to Ayr which is mostly 50mph driving and next to no stopping I do get the 31 mile or so range. Obviously burying the foot destroys it. 4WD Option is handy on the ice at the moment.

    i only need to use the Diesel engine to warm the battery up or get me off the estate where the roads are icy.

    ohm make a charger which charges your car when Energy is cheapest. You tell it when you need the car charged by, it knows how much energy you need and it knows what the cost of energy is between then and when you need the car by. It works with the Octopus Agile tarriff. Sometimes you can be paid to charge your car. I am swapping over to that at the moment
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  7. I must say I’ve had the EV itch, just not enough to commit. There’s some very smart looking Tesla’s knocking about. And the Porsche Taycan looks amazing IMO.

    If things normalise any time soon I might look into PCP deals. I’d imagine after a 3 year contract we may know if it’s a yes or no....
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  8. Might be worth hanging on to see if this technology materialises.


    it looks to be game changing technology. A full charge in 10 minutes
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  9. #29 Stanford, Jan 18, 2021
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2021
  10. Is it me or is that charge cable muhassive!!?? :astonished:

    I’m not an electrical expert but I know to change a massive battery super quickly you’ll need loads of current. Hence the thick looking cables.

    We’ve had huge metal theft problems over the last few years. It won’t take long for the scrotes in our midst to suss out a quick buck. They love a bit of copper or aluminium....
  11. What’s the rule on the congestion charge with semi-electric cars?

    When I’m not in Devon, I’m based in Mayfair and I drive door to door, as I have a garage to park in.

    Thanks to the new congestion zone times, I can’t drive in the evenings without now paying the £15 entrance fee.

    Looking for a nice car to eat the 180 mile, one way trip, that doesn’t get charged the congestion zone charge.

    My Range Rover goes back August this year and I’ve had enough of the 2 breakdowns for a bastard new car....
  12. Last I heard Copper was £8 a Kilo, Aluminium crap like real crap.
  13. good point. That amount of energy in that amount of time is a whole you ball game on electrical infrastructure and charge cables. Need to be on the steroids to life the cable
  14. I am quite liking my V60 hybrid. I have come to the conclusion that the range you get against the official figure is like any fuel consumption data. It depends how you drive.

    I can get down to Ayr and back and be pretty much on par with the official figure. 24 mile round trip and I get back with 6 miles showing. That’s doing 50mph most of the way On cruise control.

    last week I went to Middlesbrough for work. About 400 mile round trip. Did almost 30miles on pure electric and then the car did about another 20 miles or so from regeneration. Trip computer said 61mpg from a 2.4 litre 5 cylinder diesel
  15. That’s quite impressive consumption. In congested area’s though, it’s difficult to engage cruise control for any length of time. Cruise control is playing to the EV’s strengths. Once it all gets a bit sketchy on the gas pedal, and a few overtakes, range estimates will plummet.
    I drove my Vito van (diesel) to Valencia and it’s a similar story. Through France and Spain 90% of my drive was in cruise control and my mpg was excellent. As soon as I got back to Folkestone, 90% in cruise control became 10%. And the trip computer soon battered my smugness o_O
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. I wonder how the hell those who live in flats, apartments and terraced houses without dedicated parking.
    Will be able to charge their vehicles.
    I have seen no solution as of yet, and the leads will be very attractive to our travelling community.
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  17. I was on a supply boat down the Niger Delta. We slowly sailed by 3 plinths, each one had a decommissioned generator sitting on top. Each generator had about 30 tons of copper in it, so ~90 tons in total. And believe me, they'll still be sitting there in the pissing rain long after I'm dead..... Nigeria's a peculiar place. And Shell Petroleum have more money than they know what to do with....
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. I’ll take all the money they want to throw my way.

    A very wealthy acquaintance of mine has a company that move very heavy objects globally. The story goes his ‘fixer’ in Nigeria didn’t get paid next thing his pontoons get sunk, sounds a well dodgy place.o_O
  19. For PHEVs you only have until 25/10/21 when the exemption expires (you have to register with TFL and provide a number of documents to prove your vehicle is exempt). You also have to see if you are ULEZ exempt as well. After 2025 even Full EVs will not be exempt from the congestion charge.
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  20. Bit of an update on my V60hybrid. Since the ambient temperatures dropped to around zero my range has gone from 30 miles to 18 miles.

    yesterday I tried the pre conditioning function to see if that heated the battery as well as the cabin to improve the range. If it did it made no difference to the range.
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