So having researched about the 899 I see people in america etc have removed the Evap canister. What are the opinions on this, should I do this on my 2015 899?
Evap canister..........that’s very forward thinking in case you feel peckish on a ride out and have some fruit about your person
I did it to save some weight and make some space It weighs about 500g depending on how much fuel is in there Just remove it and blank off one hose and Tee the other hose into the overflow pie which goes to the bellypan
They mean starting when the bike is hot. Evap cannister is a meaningless bit of compliance tat for now, but if they change the MOT laws to say that it must be present if fitted from new (I think latest diesel MOT changes now mean EGR valve deletes are on shaky ground) then you'll either need to refit it for test time or whatever... removal sounds like more hassle than it's worth for the road.
But isn’t it hidden under the fairing? I can’t see MoT testers being allowed to remove bodywork. is it removed? Asking for a friend.
It was more of a general point, I don’t know whether it’s visible through the fairing or not without looking. The one on my Multi is stuck out in the breeze, the one on the 899 is behind the fairing but I couldn’t say whether you can see it or not. I was thinking more about future MOT laws. If anyone wants to take theirs off then that’s their decision. I can’t be bothered myself, but might change my mind if it gives me hassle.
if you search utube for “Ducati evap removal” there are a couple of step by step videos on how to do it - not done it myself but looks fairly straightforward - no idea if it makes any difference.