Supersport Frame And Wheel Paint Codes

Discussion in 'Supersport (1974-2007)' started by Wheelnut, Dec 13, 2020.

  1. Been trying to get my head around the different frame and wheel paint colours used for carby SS models.

    It seems that after the 1991-92 white frame models, Ducati used a grey-bronze frame colour for a couple of years, then switched to a more gold-bronze colour after that. Wheels seem to be more varied in colours.

    An Italian paint company called Lechler lists a number of different Ducati frame colour codes available in aerosol or touch-up from various ebay sources but I'm struggling to decipher which paint is for which frame. Choices seem to be:

    DUC 99 Bronzo Opaco Telaio metallic (from '94)
    DUC 6 Oro Opaco Telaio metallic (from '96)
    DUC 35 Bronzo Opaco metallic (from '99)

    Opaco is matt or satin and Telaio means frame in Italian. Oro and Bronzo are of course gold and bronze.

    There's also DUC 45 Racing Gold DL metallic, but I think this is for later-model wheels.

    From the above paint codes, the frame below (my 1997 750SS, now sadly departed) is either DUC 99 or DUC 6. Can anyone identify which?


    Now how about my 1993 750 SS shown below. Is this DUC 99? Or is it something else? DUC 99 seems to be '94-on if the Lechler guide is to be believed, but this is a '93 bike.


    As for wheel paint, if anyone has any information on paint codes, maybe this too could be assembled into a guide to help others who are restoring their bikes.

    Having just acquired a frame (thanks Wayne) to replace the damaged one on the red bike, I am attempting to find the right paint colour to refinish it. The 'new' frame is currently white (see below), but I'm thinking it would better to keep the correct colour - if I can find out what that is!


    Any information gladly received!

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  2. I used RAL1035 pearl beige with a satin lacquer on my 1994 frame and it's a very close match.
  3. Is RAL 1035 a close match for the earlier frame (grey-bronze on red bike) or for the more gold-bronze frame on the yellow bike? Not sure which year the frame colour changed but I think it was '94 or '95.
  4. Martin, regret I'm unable to vouchsafe relevant RAL paint codes however, a quick scan of Ian Falloon's Ducati Supersport book, which suggests '93 & 94 SS frames were supplied in "Bronze", 1995 onward was "Gold" (as per 916) till SS carbie production ceased with the FE. Hope this helps some, best of luck with it.
    Edit: '93 wheels = Black (Superlight = Bronze)
    '94 wheels = Bronze as per frame. (no mention of any wheel colour change till FE)
    Edit 2: Oh dear! att. pdf is scan from 1995 UK Ducati sales bumpf, wheels and frame appear same?


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    • SS.pdf
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    #4 WAH900ss, Dec 14, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2020
  5. My 600 is red and from your picture the frame colour looks the same as mine.

    I bought a ral paint chart on ebay and that's how I chose pearl beige. I used 2K aerosol with 2K lacquer also bought on ebay.
  6. Just to clarify, do you mean RAL 1035 is a match for the 1993 frame shown in my first post, the one with the red bodywork? If so, that's what I need. The yellow bike has the more gold colour frame and is 1997.
  7. Yes, the red bike looks like mine and the frame is painted RAL1035 pearl beige. DSC_0348.JPG
  8. Perfect! That's what I needed to know. Thanks.

    The wheels are the same colour by the look of it. Reckon I might paint my wheels also.

    Not much else to do in these semi-lockdown times...
  9. For paint codes, I believe the following is correct, but do let me know if you can add to the information below or if you think there are any errors.

    1991 900SS and 750SS
    White frame and wheels: RAL paint code RAL 9016 Traffic White
    Black engine casings.
    White graphics.

    1992 900SS and 750SS
    White frame RAL 9016
    Black wheels
    Black engine casings
    Revised white graphics.

    1993 900SS and 750SS
    Bronze frame: Lechler Paints DUC 99 Bronzo Opaco Telaio
    Black wheels
    Black engine casings.
    Notes: Superlight has Bronze DUC 99 for frame and wheels.
    750SS swingarm now in steel, not alloy
    All models now with new silver and gold graphics

    1994 900ss, 750ss, Superlight
    Bronze frame (Lechler DUC 99)
    Bronze wheels (Lechler DUC 99)
    Grey engine casings.
    Note: twin discs now standard for 750SS
    Stronger alloy swingarm and improved Showa forks for 900.

    1995-96 900SS, 750SS, Superlight
    Gold frame: Lechler paints DUC 6 Oro Telaio Opaco
    Gold or Bronze wheels? Or grey? (please advise so this can be updated)
    Notes: 750SS has Marzocchi forks (replacing Showa)
    900 has grey timing belt covers, grey side stand, oil temp gauge

    1997 900SS and 750SS
    Gold DUC 6 frame as before.
    Wheel colour not known (please advise so this can be updated).
    Notes: Yellow now an option for bodywork colour.
    New graphics for fairing.
    New intakes at rear of fairing sides to cool rear cylinder.
    High mount oil cooler.

    Each model year may begin earlier than stated. eg: 1995 model year production started in November '94.

    I am repainting my '92 750SS frame (DUC 99) and wheels (in DUC 6) with aerosol paints from and can report very positive results. I also ordered Pro-XL 2K lacquer which is resistant to modern petrol and it gives a tougher finish than you would normally expect from an aerosol.

    The later (gold) frames were a satin or matt finish as standard. Not so sure about the 92-93 bronze frames. My '92 frame is gloss, but do not know if this is original.

    Note that I have no connection with Glen at GW Autopaints but he was very helpful in sending me colour samples to confirm the frame paint colour codes referred to above. He can supply Ducati paint for all models in aerosol or in 0.5 or 1 litre tins.

    If anyone can add to the information above, please do so.
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  10. good stuff..thanks for this.
  11. Hi folks, I'm going to jump in and probably ask a shed load of questions, most are probably already answered. First off, my old man is a classic car mechanic for 50 years, he was pushing for me to powder coat the frame of my 1995 600ss, I'm not so sure, it seems they were originally painted and powder coat might look a bit weird.

    For reference, I have had the bike for around ten years, used very little, low miles, and bulletproof. It is though in need of some visual TLC. The first task is sorting the frame and swingarm - and then there is the leaking clutch slave cylinder, that is for another thread.

    My question is: do i paint both frame and swingarm, to keep em stock, and as a '95, non-oil temp bike, which codes should i go with?

    The frame and swingarm will be blasted and primered and then paint bought and taken to a professional painter to sort the job.

    Another point, I'm after a totally standard-looking bike, I've seen some shoddy jobs where folk have rattle canned the crap out of the frame and they just look awful, far too gold and blingy, I defo don't want that! :)

    Thanks folks!




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  12. In the picture I posted above you can see my frame after I resprayed the back half using a rattle can.

    The paint was 2K lacquer over base coat and I asked the supplier for satin lacquer, it's a bit glossier than the original but I can live with it.
  13. Best bikes ever
    Great bins too :)
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  14. Made more progress today!






  15. Hi Dan, I knows its an old thread, but i am just about to paint my frame 1035. do you know what is closest finish to original ? Satin or matt?? tks mark
  16. Check the pic l posted above. If you look at the way the light reflects off the two frame tubes in front of and behind the vertical cylinder you can see the original against the respray. On my frame I would have got a better match with matt clear coat rather than satin.
  17. Thanks Dan, Yes i can see now. It's a good colour match and i think i will go matt. Appreciate the quick reply. All the best Mark
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