Mystery Bracket On Frame

Discussion in 'Supersport (1974-2007)' started by Wheelnut, Jan 20, 2021.

  1. What's the small bracket for that's on the left side of the frame, just behind the pillion footrest mounts?

    All frames seem to have it, but it doesn't appear to have any purpose.

    As I am about to repaint my frame, I plan to cut the bracket off. Is there any reason not to do this?
  2. Never ever remove factory brackets as this can devalue your machine when selling,anyway load up a picture for us folks.:thinkingface:
  3. This is it. The bracket with a captive nut and with a half-round cutout at the right hand edge. It's for the chop unless it's there for a reason. I don't like clutter or excess baggage, and I can't really see how it's loss would affect the bike's value in any way. Not that I ever plan to sell it!

  4. Quite possibly a bracket for the helmet lock,?,
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  5. It's the same on the 888 frames, as said above, helmet lock...
  6. Where does the remote reservoir for the rear shock mount?
  7. Helmet lock? That's what the owner's manual suggests; a helmet lock for the Superlight version, although the manual fails to explain how it actually works...

    It's nothing to do with the rear shock, as the reservoir is integral.
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  8. The manual shows the helmet lock as the two wires under the seat near the grab handle. The idea being you pass the wire through helmet strap and lock the seat down over it to keep it in place.
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  9. It isn’t remote on an SS.
  10. Seems a helmet lock was the must have accessory in the 80's and 90's. My 750F1 takes minimal to extremes. I need to carry a screwdriver around to access the toolkit and it has no sidestand, but it comes with a helmet lock.
  11. Can't see how that bracket could possibly act as a helmet lock.
  12. It is the bracket onto which the helmet lock is attached via a small flat hex bolt. It is not, as some people use it for, a bracket upon which to mount a steering damper.
  13. oh ye of little faith, many people have already said "helmet lock" - look at the single fixing position and the shape of the unit as used on an 851, this is why the brkt on the SS has a corresponding lower mitre at the rear.

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  14. Aaah, got it!
    Fat chance of finding a helmet lock to bolt onto that bracket, so it's surplus to requirements

    The angle grinder will be wreaking vengeance on it before long...
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  15. What colour are you going for, with the repaint?
  16. The white frame pictured is going on my '93 750SS (to replace a damaged frame) so it will be painted the standard bronze colour (Lechler Duc 99).
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  17. Looks like the backplate is just held on with a hex screw which may fit nicely onto the bracket

    #19 Shorty4045, Jan 20, 2021
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2021
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  18. Hmmm. Perhaps the bracket will get a reprieve while I investigate this further.
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