How To Distinguish Yourself In 82 Seconds

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by chrisw, Feb 3, 2021.

  1. #1 chrisw, Feb 3, 2021
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2021
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  2. footballers are such pussies!!

    wouldnt even got looked at in rugby
    • Agree Agree x 5
  3. I watched the match. Southampton were clueless from the start.
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  4. It was a dreadful tackle but oddly it seems that while the impact was just above the player’s right knee, by the time he’s rolling around on the floor like a baby, he’s grasping his left knee.

    Surely, he couldn’t be shamming in order to get a fellow professional sent off? Say it ain’t so Joe! Say it ain’t so!
    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. Fantastically good song !

    But to stay on topic ..... whatever happened to the bucket of cold water and sponge ?

    I'm not commenting on that particular incident , but some of these performances deserve
    an Oscar nomination .

    Italy has had some superstars IMO
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. That's why i stopped watching footie 30 odd years ago plus,i've watched a few games over the years which you could count on my toes & thumbs,overpaid and poor male role models for the youth.Imo:punch:
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  7. Perhaps... Though most of the time (I'm not an avid watcher of football by any means) in the modern game the fouling is far less than it was, and that forces the game to be far more skilful.

    Back in the good old days the top players were so called "hard men" who played a full contact version of football akin to rugby. I suppose it depends on what style you want to watch.
  8. Boys taken out of school early , then groomed and pampered by talent scouts .
    Is it any wonder that their behaviour off the pitch is so shockingly immature ?

    .... and the money they are paid is just obscene , I can't think of any other word for it

    Excessive doesn't come close to describing it .
    • Agree Agree x 2
  9. I did see Vinnie Jones in action and that was enough for me,hacking your opposite number down with a meat cleaver is not a football skill in my book.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. What is it these days a average wage package at say £90k,but good luck to them on that front as we all need money in life,there's certainly No jealousy on my part but a wage cap is the way forward.
  11. Soccer is shit
    • Agree Agree x 4
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  12. The problem I have with this argument is this: Compared to Rugby, which I also love as I do most sports, footballers are pathetic, going down like a big baby at the slightest touch. The game is the poorer because of it & it’s always been there. The whole culture around the game, the lack of sportsmanship, the offensive salaries, the lack of loyalty, respect & the fact that the monkeys control the organ grinder in the modern game all make it truly challenging nowadays, its best it’s still the beautiful game. The skill of the top players & sitting down to watch a big match or just your own team (Go Canaries!) is still a buzz like no other. Wilko’s drop kick back in 2003 did come close though!
  13. Word.
  14. Offensive salaries? This is far more offensive to me...

    Brexit will give the UK the longest working week in Europe, until we reach the highest retirement age in Europe, when we will get one of the lowest pensions in Europe, for the shortest time as our life expectancy is falling.

    There is no one forcing football clubs to pay these salaries. There is also no one on this forum who would turn down those salaries if offered to them.
  15. I think the real issue here is that their salaries don't seem to be commensurate with the skill set they bring to the table or the real world value of those skills. I'd far rather see professions such as nursing or the emergency services given a hike in salaries, which inherently afford the public a much greater gain than merely entertaining them for 90 minutes by kicking a piece of leather around on grass.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. The public don't want to pay more taxes, to pay for higher public service workers wages. The public vote for a political party that supports reducing Corporation taxes so industry will not pay for increased public service workers wages either.

    As there are no controls on footballers salaries, they are surely paid real world values, which is set by the market.

    The owners of football clubs will be the only ones who directly benefit from cutting footballers salaries. The public on the other hand will lose out a considerable amount of income tax payable by the football players. Becareful what you wish for?
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  17. To be fair, the tackle in the clip was ridiculous, but as a general rule I totally agree. I used to play American football as a free safety (defensive back, roughly analogous to full back in rugby when they're defending) and if I'd been able to knock receivers and running backs over as easily as soccer players go down, I'd have been playing in the NFL! :D

    Another beef I have with the current setup is that the Premier League hoovers up so much of the money and focus that the grassroots are starved. My son is a national level futsal player (like 5 a side but with different sized goals and different rules) and the game is deprived of funding, so much so that the FA have recently pulled funding for the international team, which he was hoping to break into over the next few years. It is very popular and well funded on the continent and in South America, and acts as another feeder stream to the top flight 11 a side game eg: Pele, Ronaldo, Messi, Falcao, Neymar, Ronaldinho all started as futsal players, and yet barely anybody has even heard of it over here.
    #17 Zhed46, Feb 3, 2021
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2021
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  18. My old man 3rd from left, rear row.....note the 4th from left, rear row.....if anyone knows anything about earlier teams. footy.jpg
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  19. Yep that’s true Jez, it’s a market driven force that means 20 year old trainees can buy new Aston Martin’s & Argentine superstars can pick up £170m a year. I get it but it’s unpleasant
  20. But would you rather all the Argie trainees had a Cortina, and the club that they play for kept the rest of the money for the owners who have gazzillions already? I can't see any benefit myself at all.
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