Wanted; Hypermotard 796 Or 1100 2009 - 2012

Discussion in 'Wanted' started by Guys, Feb 3, 2021.

  1. I'm in the market for a Hypermotard 796 or 1100 if anyone knows of any available. I'm new to the forum so any pointers would be appreciated. Thanks, Guy
  2. i had a 796 mate 11 plate, the most fun bike ive ever had upto 70mph. I prefered the smaller engine one personally.
  3. Yeah, I’m undecided but a good deal would decide for me between the two. I’ve been flying around in a wee Honda fmx650 for a laugh but it’s time to step up a notch.
  4. Why don’t you introduce yourself properly in the newbies section too :)
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