My brand spanking new 1260 S GT suffered a little after a long trip to the UK last year, I didn't rust protect it before hand and I left it a few days after my return to wash it. As a result, the shiny cable nipples or what ever they are called are no longer shiny and rough to the touch. Is there an easy way to clean these up? Maybe some sandpaper and love? Or am I just going to have to replace them down the line?
A gentle polishing wheel on a Dremel. Add some Autosol or similar metal polish for a faster turnaround
If Auto sol doesn't work, use a scotchbrite with auto sol. Ideally using a dremel and the problem will literally vanish. Find them on eBay. Be careful prices vary massively! You can get rubber caps from eBay too which will stop this ever happening again too.
Once you have them back to how you want them i’d use a very small amount of ACF50 on a brush or cotton bud to protect them.