Pandemic Worry....

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by PerryL, Feb 15, 2021.

  1. upload_2021-2-15_12-6-23.png
    The BBC seems to give a toss. Does anyone else?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. It has similarities with many stories about the ill effects of consuming home distilled liquor which kills hundreds. Children and the elderly have little resistance to food poisoning. The numbers may be small in comparison but yes, I too would be concerned. Andy
  3. How exactly is this a concern all things considered haha
  4. Oh, and feck that! Down to the real question: I am more minded to buy another bike now - Yamaha 900 Tracer - when I get some compensation money, but I don't really want to sell any of my Ducatis. Whilst my mate would say that I am fecking mad not to, I am minded to keep them. So, what would you do? Buy a new or good second-hand Yam (don't bother argue the toss on whether a Tracer is the right choice - I change my own mind every week!) and part-ex one on my Ducatis (for basically scrap value, as they are old), or buy the Tracer cash and keep the Ducatis - which I can maintain myself and tour on, as well as the Yam.
  5. Where’s a face palm when you need one:joy: Andy
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. For the home-cooked meal, or the Yamaha Tracer?
  7. I don't get it? Are they implying that families in the UK eat takeaways or in restaurants all the time?
  8. Wtf did they think people did before hand??!! Eat out?!

    • Agree Agree x 2
  9. So more people start to home cook food, and a watchdog is worried?

    Is the watchdog uber eats?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. I’ve not read the report but I assume it’s not talking about home cooking, it’s about home cooking & selling it on without any checks? I’ve seen several Indian home cooking offers on the various FB & neighbourhood sites spring up recently. All claim to be a restaurant but you know they’re not. That is probably a concern if you think about it?
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  11. Buy a second hand one on a credit card then do a balance transfer to another card , Halifax are offering 4.9% Apr for 48 months with no fee , then when you sell it in 4years you will recoup a large chunk , a pcp with Kawasaki is 6.9 % Apr if you buy new and can't afford the balloon payment you will have to give it back .
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  12. Made a decision now (until tomorrow) and I'm going to get me a BMW! Probably won't part-ex any Ducati -if I have to finish going thru the pain of finishing desmo adjustments on both of them, then I'm fecking keeping them!

    Can't have red now, as I discovered it means buying some accessory that I didn't want! The standard white is OK to me, though - or I might go yellow!

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    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. That's right, you have to buy the sports windscreen with red and I defo don't want it. With gold, you have to buy the handguards and I was thinking of getting them anyway. So white or gold.
  14. I don't sell my crap. It will ne a keeper, I can pay cash as my compensation will cover it - fecking hopefully!
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  15. Tbh with the amount of time you’ve changed your mind you’ll probably buy a car next week ;):joy:
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. I do change my mind regularly about what bike to buy, or even whether to buy one at all, but I am pretty sure I won't be getting a car. I don't NEED either and I would buy a bike as it is my hobby but I fecking hate working on cars and driving them is boring. Now that I've been forced into using taxis due to my car being given back due to lack of funds and license, I haven't missed it for one second.

    I am in a privileged position of not having to buy a car. I don't need to buy a bike as I still got two, but I might get another for fun. I've got the three possible if I decide to buy new and if I do decide to buy one of the three, then it will come down to test rides. I am interested to see if a Kawasaki 650 twin really feels powerful enough for touring on a bike laden with luggage and if a BMW really feels worth the extra money.
  17. Over 12 hours has passed since my last post. Probably will stick to original plan of buying used.

    I was perusing local dealer used bikes on the BMW web site. Coz of distance, that is either Dick Lovett or Cotswold Motorrad. I can get BMW approved stuff for about half what I was going to pay new. So, back to my original Autotrader search. It will still be BMW, Kawasaki, or Yamaha - probably.
  18. How about the Z900 , lot of bike for the money .
  19. Why not put whichever Ducati on here for sale, at least you'll have a figure to work from rather than scrap value.
  20. Shhh I was hoping to offer scrap value and a packet of wotsits
    • Funny Funny x 1
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