Mine was a merc 190e, had 3 more since, of various incarnations. Straight 6 2.6 being the best of all
My first car at 17 years old was a brown, C-reg Ford Sierra 1.6 hatchback. It never had more than 2 quids worth of petrol in it and tires so bald you could see the steel radials.
My first car I purchased was a BMW2002. In white, unfortunately while driving back from the south of france the sump plug came out on the A6 and the car was scrapped. my first company car was a Renault 4 van. Dashboard gear change, strangely enough I have very fond memories.
My first was a G reg (‘68) mini 1000 finished in grey with red plastic seats. When I say mine it was in fact my mums which we shared. It was a great little car that you could screech around corners, which my mum wasn’t too pleased to hear about after the postman who saw me one morning practicing my new found skill grassed me up! Later my car was a VW golf, pile of crap and I seized the engine.
1959 Ford anglia 100E 1172cc side valve engine, 3 speed gearbox (1st 2nd and overdrive) Solidly built reliable piece of gutless crap, my first and last Ford. Cost £50 dad had a pools win £1000. Insurance £63 in 1974. I was earning £20 per week, 4th year apprentice.
They are nice enough but 99K? I would never pay that even if I had all the money in the world and nothing to spend it on.
Yeah does seem a tad OTT but if you had one with a broken engine nowadays, you’d definitely be fixing it
Blue Renault 18 Turbo, (parents car really, but was never around to let them drive it!!) Followed by 3x Renault 5 gt turbos. They were mine. Went like stink....
The Renault 5 GT Turbo was without doubt the maddest car I ever drove. A friend bought one in the early 90s. I’d never felt g force in a road car before. Mental machines!
I didn't have my first motor until I were 26, had only bikes for all year but got sick of the winters and the spills that go with it when you commute to work daily all through the winter.... And the cold! Got an old astra van, leaking petrol tank, fuel gauge didn't work.... Cheap and kept going. Cars / vans have never meant a lot to me, never had a fancy car, always run simple (cheap) motors.... Still have a van too... Just not the old astra van... Same make though
my first car was a 1988 xr2 bought for £25 as the cam belt had broke so i got it and rebuild the engine, smoked it around for a couple of years before upgrading to a 16v astra gte.