Vaccine Passport...yes Or No?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Topolino, Feb 23, 2021.

  1. What purpose does it serve?
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  2. on a serious note we discriminate all the time on access to services, I couldn't (when they were open) get into some bars because i wore trainers, i'm not allowed a coutts account because i don't have enough money. We're a tribal society who like to form groups and we sometimes get upset because they won't allow us in. I had to pass a test to ride a motorbike and they make me wear helmet, they are going to force me to wear gloves next! we've turned our back on free movement in the EU, and it has never been a right to access other countries without a visa, a criminal credit check, providing financial information or certification for having vaccinations for some countries.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  3. If it’s a card you have to carry to show you’ve been jabbed; the internet will provide fake copies within a few minutes.
    I believe Greece is doing or looking at a passport scheme that is generated from a government body. So keeping the issuing of said document as secure as possible!
    • Agree Agree x 2
  4. depending on what scenario we are talking about it could make your life easier or harder depending on your circumstances (both are a good or bad thing depending on your view point)
  5. I
    I Won't be taking a vaccine full stop I'm 44 healthy and in no way bothered by a flu that is very dangerous to a much older demographic, me il just get a fake cert!
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  6. I'm not convinced that long term we should need any kind of vaccine passport. The Vaccine DOES NOT stop transmission anyway!!

    But rest assured if we do develop one, the UK will f*ck it right up :grinning:

    I can't really see how it would work or atleast work to any kind of legitimate degree. GP's wouldn't be able to cope with applications for anything official they've already made that very clear and it's common sensical that that would be the case.
    Using the current cards won't work. They're made of paper and have no identification on them. Creating a card would still rely on data from somewhere. If they went down the chip route there would be big push back I think. And even then fakes would be rife.
    Using an app? haha yeah okay.
    Relying on peoples honesty? Nope.

    I can't see it being workable without throwing the kitchen sink at it and upsetting a lot of people. It will also continue to cripple industries as many wont bother with certain things for the foreseeable due to the faff surrounding it.

    That's not to say that the government won't do it anyway and it be a complete waste of tax payers money. Like test & trace. We like doing that.
    #26 Advikaz, Feb 24, 2021
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2021
  7. you are entitled to your choice; I'm 42, and i think i have a responsibility to those around me to have it. I suppose you bought your passport down the pub and and print your own money on an inkjet at home?
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  8. You won't protect anyone with your vaccine!! It doesn't stop you spreading the virus
    • Agree Agree x 4
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    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  9. Yes but if everyone has had the vaccine, it won't matter so much as we will all have some immunity to it.

    The vaccine isn't a complete solving of the problem, its'a certainty that over next winter, areas will go into local lockdown as new variants appear.

    The alternative is we ignore the rules and play russian roulette with everyone's lives, including our own.... just like Trump chose to do.... Half a million dead and still counting.
    • Disagree Disagree x 2
    • Useful Useful x 1
  10. Hmmm, that's a hard one to argue. Half a million dead is obviously not nice. However we are allegedly at 120k deaths with a 67 million population.

    The united states has over 331 million!
    • Agree Agree x 4
  11. So a vaccine every year for everyone?? , no thanks vaccinate the people who really need it and leave the other 99.98 of who this virus won't kill to get on with life!! Anyway time to stick this one on block and do a bit of work!
  12. I work in hospitals and to this day it still doesn't seem like anyone knows if these will need to be administered even every 6 months let alone a year. There's also a lot of people who can't have the jab. My mum being one of those.

    I'm not being argumentative for the sake of it. I'm just saying.. there's a fuck tonne of unknown, so anyone trying to guilt trip others in to doing allegedly the right thing should think about that. We live in a free society. Governments aren't exactly famed for getting things right are they, I mean look at the last year 12 months or so? It's been U turn after U turn.

    Hitler told the Germans that killing Jews was the right thing. He made them believe it. Didn't make it right. Mistakes can be made. People are easily led.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  13. Another great opportunity for the counterfeiters in society for increasing their ill gotten gains in life if you want to stay underground.Also the lucrative contract for producing these items would be handed over to an overseas company as usual and not British.: unamused:
    • Agree Agree x 3
  14. If a cert is needed for foreign travel I can understand that. And it’s fairly simple to administer as it sits alongside a passport which is needed anyway. Like mentioned above I could imagine EU implementing it. the worry is it becomes ‘normal’. Plus, afaik, vaccination is voluntary....

    But for entering a pub etc it’s nonsensical.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  15. It would seem on a simplistic level private healthcare trumps state healthcare, maybe it’s time for the NHS to be privatised?
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    • Disagree Disagree x 1

  16. I'm not getting involved in that one haha
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. [QUOTE="Advikaz, post: 1805278, member: 32813"trying to guilt trip others in to doing allegedly the right thing should think about that.[/QUOTE]
    But they won’t mate. They are happy to carry on smoking and drinking from the comfort of their paid for homes (ime) and with nice WFH well paid jobs or decent pensions, and preach to others about saving everyone. That’s everyone who often don’t go to places where people congregate anyway, like pubs.
    • Agree Agree x 1

  18. I agree re the 'normal' bit.

    I disagree with it being easy to administer. The idea of it is easy enough. But in the real world, actually building a legit system that's reliable, accurate & cheat proof I believe will be a challenge, if not almost impossible in 2021.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  19. You’d do well in the SS in 1939
    #39 bradders, Feb 24, 2021
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2021
  20. It’s the risk of counterfeit or a self declaration which really means very little.
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