1200 DVT Fuel Gauge

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by BigAlan, Feb 26, 2021.

  1. So after months sat in the garage I nipped put yesterday and the fuel light came on when I got home.

    Today I nipped out and got petrol, the fuel light stayed on and gauge never moved even though I filled it up.

    Riding around and stopping after 10 miles to admire the view I hopped back on and the fuel,light was not on and the gauge almost at full, after a few minutes it registered full.

    Moral of the story, get out on your bike or leave the tank full.

    I might nip out tomorrow to double check it still works.
  2. OH dear BA, I sense a fuel sensor gauge issue on its way.......:scream:
  3. Always use trip meter...whatever its called
  4. is this a big job?
  5. Depends if you know one end of a spanner from the other. It's not particularly difficult if you do.
  6. I do, can it be repaired or is is a replacement thing, and how much?
  7. All the front body panels off the bike including the nose cone. Disconnect and remove fuel tank and then 10 seconds to replace the fuel sensor and then put everything back on!
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  8. About £70, straight swap no software business.
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