Workshop Nuts, Bolts And Screws Packs (recommendations Please)

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Zhed46, Mar 7, 2021.

  1. I set up a workshop in the garden last year but somewhere in the house move a few months earlier most of my fasteners went awol so I’m now reaching the dregs and having to scavenge them from wherever I can.

    My previous place didn’t have any space for a workshop so I mainly used to get professional mechanics to work on my bikes and would buy small packs of nuts and bolts from Halfrauds whenever I needed them for any little jobs I did myself.

    However I am doing and plan to keep doing a lot more of my own work now I have the facilities and so I need a load of fasteners of commonly used types and sizes. Some sort of “home workshop starter pack” assortment of nuts (esp socket head), bolts, washers and screws in a range of dimensions would be perfect.

    Recommendations please?

  2. I’m not sure if they do generic starter packs but are my go to source.

    If you invest in a variety of different bags from these guys and make up your own selection then at least you will know exactly what you are getting in terms of quality and more specifically the right materials for the application you are using them for.
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  3. eBay and screwfix.

    screwfix do decent packs of various fasteners, including Allen head stainless bolts, mush room head etc etc

    decent sized packs, reasonable prices.
  4. Thanks for your reply but I’m not keen on buying from eBay due to potential quality concerns based on experience with previous purchases. I’ve also already checked Screwfix but they don’t do multipacks of assorted sized socket head fasteners.

    I know I could buy multiple packs but I’m specifically looking for an “all in one” assortment if possible. I’m looking for a specific recommendation because I’ve obviously already done a bit of searching but not found anything suitable yet.
    #4 Zhed46, Mar 7, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2021
  5. @Zhed46, Andy, pm me a Basic list over and I’ll sort you a starter box out! :)
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  6. B&Q do a pick and mix on nuts, bolts and washers now so you just select what size bag you use and then fill it full of whatever you want from the selection. It’s always a challenge and game to see how full you can get the bag. Used it for many house jobs but might be useful for some of you’re needs.
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  7. Thanks mate. I’ll WhatsApp you. :)
  8. I was in B&Q just a couple of days ago specifically looking for nuts and bolts etc but didn’t see anything like that. Is it just major stores that do it?
  9. Could be just the bigger stores that do it but it is very useful especially when you want the real pix n mix selection and especially if you want more of the same item in the whole selection.
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  10. They do it in the shitty little B&Q near me but they never have a decent selection, if someone on here wants to flog a load I’ll buy some
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