Our Untrustworthy Media

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Zhed46, Mar 7, 2021.

  1. A lot

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  2. Somewhat

    12 vote(s)
  3. Not at all

    49 vote(s)
  4. Secondary question:

    2 vote(s)
  5. Has your opinion changed since the advent of the internet?

    3 vote(s)
  6. Yes

    19 vote(s)
  7. No

    27 vote(s)
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  1. @michel couque

    Just to very briefly (unusual for me, I know) expand on that. I apologise for the way I signed off. I was angry because I interpreted your post in a way you might not have intended but when I read it back later I see that you probably didn’t mean what I initially thought you did.

    Which, rather aptly, kind of reinforces the point I made about the written word not always conveying the true sense of things.....
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  2. Entitlement entitlement, entitlement. He can have brilliant protection, the country will gladly provide it, just not at vast expense, all around the world when people are homeless, hungry & unemployed.

    No one made him join up, nor to be a frontline soldier. Choices, cause & effect.
  3. Today is another day. Yesterday is history, maybe bike chat is a bit less emotive lol.
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  4. Run? We had Grifters, Choppers and an Eddy Merckx 10-speed with dropped handlebars and, to quote that (Yellow Pages) ad “a seat like a razor blade”. Work smarter, not harder....

    Different times in those days. I was like Spiderman when I was a kid and I as forever being chased down off roofs by policemen. I often wonder how I made it to adulthood and how much I must have worried my parents. Just for example, the school behind our house had sort of a tower at one end of it, approx 4 storeys high (no windows so it’s difficult to say exactly) and I used to scale the outside of it using the copper lightning conductor that was screwed to the wall. On another occasion I had to be rescued from halfway up the cliffs at St Agnes in Cornwall by the Coastguard because though I had scaled them without trouble the day before, it had rained overnight and as they were made of shale whole chunks of them were falling away from under my feet.

    I grew out of my climbing bug in the end but then almost immediately grew into motorbikes. Cornwall features again because my dad tells a story about my mum collapsing in a phone box on Polperro harbour when I told her that I’d just bought a bike (DT125 - £35!) while they were away on holiday.
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  5. I only ever saw my Mum properly angry with me once. (Dad did all the disciplinary stuff!) That was when I rode a brand new Honda RS250 back from a London dealer on L plates at 17, having only ever ridden a Fizzie (behind her back) before. Took her a week, a booked RAC/ACU course & some serious grovelling to sort that one out!
  6. This thread seems to be running 3 courses now, Media, MegGate and also racism.

    Media wise , most outlets are privately owned and want to turn a profit so while they will print most newsworthy events they will take the angle their customers want & expect to read. To expect the Guardian to say how wonderful Brexit is really is as unlikely as expecting the Mail not to be outraged by "This sort of thing" to quote Father Ted. I occasionally read both on line and IMO they are equally as bad as each other just in different ways.

    The Sussexes appear to me to be either unaware of what is going on or perhaps they dont care . I find it hypocritical that for example they lecture on the environment but use private planes , they talk of compassion and kindness but seem happy to stick the boot in and so on.
    None of us were privy to any of the conversations between the Royals so we can either ignore the whole thing , take sides based on who we feel is more likely to be telling the truth or perhaps be of the opinion that they are all a cunch of bunts and deserve each other ?

    The UK is one of the most tolerant countries IMO. For business and leisure I have been to somewhere between 20-25 countries spread across Europe, Middle East, Asia and America. Based on what I have seen we are in the top 2 with Holland. I have personally witnessed anti white racism in several countries where the majority of the population is not white. Also based on what I have seen racism goes hand in hand with general intolerance so not surprisingly the Islamic countries I have been to are the worst at handling anything not approved by Big Mo and his mates.

    Lastly and a genuine situation here as my sister in law who is white and blonde is dating a Sri Lankan who is not white & has dark hair . If she were to fall pregnant by him is it racist if I wonder what colour skin the child may have ? Is that really any different from wondering what colour hair it may have ?
    #166 dukesox, Mar 12, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2021
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  7. ^ I really like the way you split your reply up so as not to confuse the reader. :upyeah:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. 100%. The problem is that a lot of people, even those who consider themselves worldly-wise and media savvy and recognise that many elements of the MSM are purveyors of divisive and toxic filth, are influenced by what they publish. It amazes me that there are still people posting their opinions of MM as a person generally and the details of the Sussex/Windsor spat in particular when their only knowledge about them and the issue can have come from that same MSM, which as closer examination of that Sun article showed, are still dishonestly and cynically twisting facts and totally misrepresenting things. Even the best source of evidence, the interview, is an edited somewhat stage-managed affair, but it is still a lot more reliable than secondhand info gleaned from newspaper articles written with an agenda in mind, on both sides of the argument.

    It certainly is. But that doesn't mean the UK is free from problems and the examples given are kind of comparing apples to oranges. For example, anti-white racism in, say Turkey or Pakistan (IIRC, I think you mentioned those countries previously), is likely to be primarily aimed at tourists, visitors and ex-pat business people and so the history and present power relations between the groups is entirely different than in the UK. There is a world of difference between nasty comments or even violence aimed at a British visitor to a country and a whole swathe of citizens being treated more harshly by police and the legal system, having life chances and opportunity for advancement denied to them or restricted etc in their own country.

    I used to know a black woman who lived and worked in Dubai for 5 years and she freely admitted that the racism there was off the scale compared to the UK - there was a hierarchy with Emiratis at the top, followed by white European/US ex-pats, then black/brown European/US ex-pats then a whole class of immigrants from Africa and the Indian subcontinent who were effectively treated like slaves. And I am definitely glad my kids grew up here than in many, in fact most, countries on earth, but just because there are much worse places abroad doesn't mean that we should pretend that all is rosy in our own garden.

    As I have said in several posts, it all depends on how the question is asked and why. The way MM/Harry told it, it seemed to be an expression of concern as to Archie's likely skin colour and, context is important here, because that conversation took place at around the time they were told the Royal Family would depart from previous convention and Archie would never be granted the title of Prince.


    Anyway - long time no see. I was going to WhatsApp you to see how you are as you don't seem to be on here much these days.
    #168 Zhed46, Mar 12, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2021
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  9. We are all still products of the society that produced us. Even the best of us will have bias ingrained without our knowledge. We can all sometimes get it wrong even with the best of intentions. No-one is born racist and bigoted. It is our experiences and our social environment that does that. Shaking it off is difficult and we fuck up sometimes. Thats okay. As long as we learn from it and grow.

    I nearly supported Chelsea when I moved south of the border. Thank fuck for that.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  10. yip, figuered you were more a Millwall kinda guy. and if ever there was a sport that devides people over ethnicty and religion, or at least expose it, it's gonna be that game.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. You cut me deep finny. I'm a Queen of the South fan. I eventually chose LFC due as the kids at school bullying the wee new scottish lad were Man U fans. I'm quite a contrary person. I'm quite pleased how that turned out.

    But tbf, Im not a footie fan anymore really. But I still follow QotS and will attend a game when Im visiting family. I only really follow MotoGP as a sport. Moto3 is probably the best racing though, I love that class best.
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  12. So, They are shitting liars... Except when they say something bad about Trump? Then they got it all right?
    Here our MSM is even worse than yours because there are fewer privacy and other laws to protect people.

    I cannot remember who it was now, but someone (ex gov official I believe FBI) reported in the week (months ago?) that there was no proof of collusion with Russia directly to congress under oath. He told the truth. Then on the weekend on the Sunday AM politics shows he again said there was collusion...
    They asked what he THOUGHT, not what he Testified to... Or what the evidence showed.
    So everyone still says it was Trump and Russia even though it was not. Because that is the headline the left controlled media decided to use.
  13. i was kinda getting in to football when rangers went bust, the league became more interesting with way less violence. off the ball with Stuart Cosgrove and Tam Cowan is funny as fug worth a listen..
    but now we have The Rangers back, the same old shit has returned with it.
  14. Slightly off topic but non the less relevant.

    Baroness Jones of the green party stated in the Lords yesterday that men should have a 6pm curfew to ensure the safety of women!

    Is this the best we can do? Unelected individuals again spouting forth nonsense at our expense.

    If a statement like that inferring that 50% of the populace are rapists and murderers is not grossly offensive and a crime under new legislation then I don't know what is.

    If I had stood in a public forum and spouted similar garbage there would be an uproar, and rightly so. Yet down the modern rabbit hole that we find ourselves in there's not a single push back against it apart from, God forbid, Nigel Farage, a man who I find equally offensive! It is a perfect example of the on-going emasculation of Men. We are being bullied into acquiescing with the most egregious condemnations; we are all racists, rapists, and murderers. It would appear that we have become so supine as to be afraid of standing up for ourselves or opening our mouths.

    May I suggest that all of us contact her directly, as I have done, and lodge a complaint against her for her comments; parliamentary privilege's be damned; enough is enough.

    This from a women who has contributed nothing to the greater good and spent 10 years studying fosilised plants, really handy that, just what our crumbling nation and society need.

    As well as the royal family and the honours system lets add the upper house and these useless, mouthy ineffectual arseholes to the list for reform.
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  15. The shit was always there finny. Celtic are just as bad. Get rid of the hearts and hibs too. All this sectarian shit has no place in scotland when we have the english to hate. Theres no room to hate each other.

    Btw, its a joke. I like the english. I married one, albeit a northerner. We should all hate the welsh.

    Thats a joke too. I like the welsh. So let us all join hands and hate the french.

    ( I like the french too)
    • Funny Funny x 2
  16. You make a decent point Rex. I admit I have been guilty of just that. However, there is a quite a big difference between Trumpgate and Meghangate, namely Meghan and Harry have remained silent up until now and so the only information reaching the public was via the MSM or the Palace machine. Trump, on the other hand, to all intents and purposes would not shut up and until recently had a direct line to the public via the medium of Twitter by which he could make his opinion and his feelings known, and by God, didn't he just.

    BTW: odious creep and deluded demagogue that he is, I think the banning of his social media accounts is very worrying and I strongly disagree with it. I can't recall where I heard/read it, but "He who can silence a King, is the King". I'm not sure I like the idea of Mark Zuckerberg and the CEOs of half a dozen other companies (and/or their financial backers) being the King and deciding what is truth and what is not on my behalf.
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  17. personnaly speaking, i have chosen just to hate everybody. its so much easier this way and nobody can accuse me of singleling any one group out. :upyeah:
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  18. I prefer to just like everyone. Its the laziest way. Hating uses energy and I just can't be arsed. Although I hate Ducati but like Ducati's. Does that make sense? £10 for a friggin o-ring, I havent got over that. Bastards.
  19. it's a fair point. we should all encourage folks to divert our energy to hating over inflated O-Ring prices.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. I think Ducati spares prices depend on whether the item is priced before or after the last espresso of the day.. I have owned Ducatis on and off for 25 years and the one consistent thing is how inconsistent the spares pricing is, sometimes I expect to lose my shirt and the bit is "pennies" other times I have the "O ring experience", what almost never happens is that I see a spares price and think "yeah, that's about right".... Go figure!
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