Females & Dishwashers

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bigredduke, Mar 17, 2021.

  1. One of my ex- girlfriends would wash the items prior to going in the dishwasher.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. euphemism?

    we have a drawer for cutlery in the dishwasher; who thinks putting in a spoon bowl side up is a good idea!?!? not sure what is worse though as in my house there seems to be no effort taken when emptying the dishwasher to make sure cutlery goes back in their rightful compartments long knives and short knives mixed up , breakfast spoons and soup spoons mixed - drives me mad!!

    edit: just went to look and had a quick rearrange - left 1 short knife in the long knife drawer just to prove to myself i don't have OCD

    edit: nope couldn't take it, knife is in it's rightful place
    #22 MDUBZ, Mar 18, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2021
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  3. Forget about this dishwasher nonsense.

    If all some plates are still dirty after the cycle ends, just make sure you use a clean one. Same goes for scissors etc.

    The clue is in the name females. The won't ever do what they are asked, but they learn really quick when left to resolve their own mistakes. Its the same with felines. Can't train them to do anything, but they do whatever they want to extremely well unless some idiot does it for them?

    Hope this helps!

    Spend the dishwasher angst time riding your bike.
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  4. I have an odd(ih) phobia re having wet hands, hate it.
    So, to me the dishwasher is one of the greatest inventions....EVER!
  5. Zanussi...:upyeah::D
    • Funny Funny x 2
  6. So you don't like swimming much then?
  7. I thought the title of this thread was a kind of sexist joke.

    I’ve never ever had a dishwasher, so all these moans are kinda first world problems tbh. The girlf is the dishwasher in our house, so when she’s back at her own place for a while I’m generally down to spreading butter with a garlic press and eating noodles with a potato peeler by the time she comes back. Given that the sink has by that time become a festering biohazard and a potential statutory nuisance and she’s worried about me getting sick, she kindly bought me a packet of plastic cutlery, bless her. :heart:

    • Funny Funny x 2
  8. agree - when I do a major clean it's infuriating to find yet again, pistons placed crown facing downwards ending up full of water, don't mind hand-cleaning a four pot but i'm not doing a dozen again.
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  9. I thought that a dishwasher was a wife, what is the difference? ;)
  10. The difference is a dishwasher comes with a guarantee !
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  11. 100% with you. I get a strange satisfaction from the correct rinse, stack & drain of my traditional sink & draining board.
    As for the loo roll thing, I am, after 20 odd years of family life, still the only person of either sex that knows how to reload the toilet roll holder. I’ve held classes on how to do it but have lost the battle & the war now. I am a beaten man :(
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  12. The dishwasher (not the wife) doesn't talk back
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  13. Our dishwasher, the Electromechanical one, even has a name.

    Stick your dirty stuff in Daisy always raises a smile.

    #33 Nasher, Mar 18, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2021
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  14. I say that tongue in cheek as I do not have a dishwasher machine and my wife lives about 1000 miles north of me.
  15. Guess what I’m the only dishwasher in my house. Everything gets piled up and just as I get the side spotless with everything stacked neatly scissors left apart, knives point down plates in size order maybe in OCD
    Oh amazeballs by magic more stuff appears to be washed.

    I have my way of doing the washing up I hate a sink of soap suds after half the bottle of washing up liquid is used and surfaces swimming in water oh and the dishcloth scrunched up

    I guess that’s why I’m the only washer upper one my house :)

    When I was married our last house had a dishwasher and i had to have it stacked properly and usually swilled everything through first :D
    Good for sterilising baby bottles
  16. Since you are talking about dishwashers any ideas why my Zanussi sometimes doesn't do the final getting hot /drying cycle? It is infuriating because it will do a few days working fine and just when you think it has cured itself it will be cold and contents damp.
    I've been making an effort to keep filter clean but any other ideas, things to try?
  17. We have all the usual machines and gadgets for making a women's life easier. I make a point of not interfering with any of them, they are outside my domain. I would not expect my wife to mend cars tractors etc. and she does not expect me to know anything about housewifely duties.
  18. Because it is made in Italy ?
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  19. Odd one? Sounds like a faulty heater but not usually a temperamental fault, once they’ve gone and that’s it.
    Does it heat the water ok when washing?
    Are you using the same program each time (generally the express wash cycles don’t do a drying phase)
    The drying isn’t anything fancy, they just fill the base with water, heat it up to 70-80deg and the steam dries the dishes (that’s why plastics don’t dry very well in them)
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  20. How about this then,

    my birds mum (the thunder Cunt), will load the dishwasher, and then unload it to manually wash the whole lot by hand. Effectively using it as a giant storage rack for dirty items.

    • Funny Funny x 2
    • WTF WTF x 1
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