Bikes Vs Cars (a Bit Of Fun)

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Advikaz, Mar 25, 2021.

  1. Chris piloting the s1000rr against various cars. All good fun

    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  2. Be more fun if it wasn’t just a drag race!
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. Good to see how much it pissed the Tesla’s by :upyeah:

    Shame 1299 doesn’t have launch control.

    Amazed the clutch lasted that long too!
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  4. I got surprised by a Tesla on my 1299 off the line years ago. Reeled it in easy enough. Was back passed it by 2nd gear.

    Still very impressive how they hook up though
  5. Bike would not be close round track would it?

  6. Depends on so many things.

    the pilots. The track (very much so). The vehicles etc

    sometimes cars and bikes can be closer than some May imagine in certain scenarios.
    Cars generally can carry more corner speed though as a general rule and once you get in to aero cars... forget it
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Aero car?
    • Funny Funny x 3
  8. Saw that yesterday, I like Chris he's a good journo.

    Didn't really surprise me even by modern supercar standards, it's all power to weight I suppose. The bike is always going to be harder to get off the line even with launch control when the car weighs so much and has a huge contact patch to get grip.

    I can't remember whether it was a magazine or a YouTube video many years ago now where they had a superbike vs. an Impreza doing various different tests, the first was 0-100mph which the bike won easily, the second was 100-0mph again the bike won, and they commented on the fact the bike didn't have ABS, small contact patch and 2 fingers and brain controlling the braking, third was corner speed where they were circling a large roundabout and timing how long it was taking to lap, again the bike won... not by much but it won. At the end one of the final comments was he scooby had destroyed a set of tyres whereas the bikes looked pretty new.
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  9. Fifth gear did a Lamborghini v 1098 feature a while back with Tiff Needell and Leon Haslam.

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  10. And a couple of KTM’s

  11. Loved that!
  12. Around the 6 minutes mark i think for some hot action.
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