Possible Fueling Issue

Discussion in 'Supersport (1974-2007)' started by Ivor, Mar 30, 2021.

  1. Mate has a 900SS, runs sporadically,, currently won't accelerate, had changed fuel filter, found a corroded plug on the injector, are there any usual suspects causing poor running?
  2. could be a number of things
    has he checked plugs to see if both sparking is it firing on one or two
    check connector plug on the tps had water in that on mine
    cheap thing to check is spark plugs new set dont cost much also ht leads
    would check none of the fuel lines are kinked when tank is down also check the tank breather isnt blocked try running with filler open (not with a full tank ) to see if any different
    also check wiring coming from the pick ups for damage corrosion etc at connectors
    well thats a start anyway
  3. Thank you
  4. Split fuel filter, had used an after market fuel filter that couldn't handle the pressure had changed the fuel filter to try and fix an earlier (similar) problem that turned out to be a corroded plug on the injector
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  5. so many issues can cause symptoms that are similar
    glad it was an easy fix
  6. Thank you for the pointers
  7. no problem i learned the hard way with a neglected and abused 750 IE went through it from one end to the other sorting age related issues and bodges galore but hey thats the fun of it
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