749/999 Track Fairing Wanted

Discussion in 'Wanted' started by testingtesting, Apr 10, 2021.

  1. as above, 749/999 track fairing, possibly a tank also.
  2. I have one, fairing, see my post in sales, includes a description on type and manufacturer, where are you? It's free to a good home if you collect/pay postage, it's going to the tip otherwise, I did have a tank but sold that , sorry
  3. done! Where are you based? Might have to organise collection though. Thanks!
  4. West Wales Carmarthen. Might be able to get closer to you, where are you roughly
  5. Did you check out the for sale thread? It has a small tear under the nose, repairable
  6. Good price, even with the slight damage.
  7. Moving house so it's got to go, nearly been to the tip once already
    • Like Like x 1
  8. I'm Exeter. No worries about the damage, given that they're free it'll be worth sorting :)
  9. My brother is coming up to me 18april, he lives in Chepstow, I can see if he can take them and you collect from Chepstow? Or would you rather them posted?
  10. I'm away for a week from next Sat, post might be best?
  11. Sure, I'll try and work out a cost
  12. I've dropped you a PM
  13. Yep seen, thanks
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