For Sale 959/1299 Gia Moto Rearsets

Discussion in 'Parts, Accessories & Clothing For Sale' started by bettes, Apr 29, 2021.

  1. Excellent, unmarked condition. These really are quality kit.
    £250 posted.

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  2. What are you fitting next?
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  3. Being a tart, i fancy the DP ones. :)
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  4. Curious : do these keep the std shift rod ?
    also , Can you change to race shift on these without other parts ? cheers
    Ps they look nice
  5. Yes, they use the std shift rod. You can change to reverse shift by inverting the knuckle on the gearbox shaft. That’s how I run them. It also has the provision for the rear brake light switch.

  6. Thanks . Guessing still have to reverse the wiring for the shifter !? cheers
  7. Yes, just inverting two of the three wires.

  8. Now off the bike. All titanium bolts / hardware included.
    Might take a very close offer. :)

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  9. Do you know if they fir the V2 and are they still available?
  10. Hi. Still available but unsure if they’ll fit the V2.

  11. Ok. I’ll contact giamoto on Tuesday.
    • Like Like x 1
  12. Now sold. Please close thread.
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