1199 Engine Swap Between Panigale 2015+ And Older Gens

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by Mordor, May 3, 2021.

  1. I wanted to inquire if anyone had put a 2015-2017 (PaniR or 1299) engine in a 2012-2014 bike (1199 or 1199R) with the original 1199 ECU and wiring harness. Any problems or things to be aware of? Of course the bike would need a remap, but otherwise have there been any show stoppers?

    Looking at the engines and associated sensors, all the plugs seem to be the same and the only sensor that is noticeably different seems to be the gear sensor which on the 2015+ is a magnetic type on the left side of the engine casing, while the 2012-2014 have a mechanical type sensor inserted into the block on the right side. Both the wiring diagrams for the 2015+ bikes and the 2012-2014 for the gears sensor have them as a 3-wire setup with +5v supply, sensor signal and signal ground, so on a first glance I would expect them to work.

    Thank you in advance for any experiences you can share :)
  2. i know of someone that swapped the electronics from the 1299 to an 1199 to get the advanced TC and DWC and by all accounts it was an easy swap (he mentioned the gear sensor issue though)
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  3. I think 650ib, who's in the US, has done this with his 1199, but I don't know if he has done a YouTube video about it or not.
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  4. As you live in Norway ask Thor Plassen,he knows these bikes inside out.
    And why not buy some left over Panigale parts,he have some nice SSTK engines & electronics for sale..
    I know DSB Berlin had a bike with 1199 chassi & 1299 engine. But i think it was SSTK electronics on that on that one. You could ask them also.
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  5. To provide an update and for future reference for others, it works fine with the 1199 ECU/Harness with the gear training done with the DDA at the dealers. Being that the gear sensor is on the opposite side of the engine an extension cord had to be made to connect the wiring properly. :)
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