Am I right thinking that 150kg should be OK for moving the front, or rear, of most bikes, given it should only be supporting half the total weight?
The Ryde blurb seems to infer it’s a centre stand dolly so would carry the whole bike’s weight ? Andy
Ive used one of these for years for the same reason you’re after one. easy to use and the bike is stable when using it. The bike is always parked on it when in the garage. Just roll onto it, spin the thing round and walk away.
The Warrior Centre Stand dollies look pretty good. If anyone has one, is the brake strong enough to make it easy to push the bike off the centre stand without the dolly sliding forward? I have a hell of a job on the smooth concrete floor getting the 950 off it's stand as it tends to slide forward.
Well admittedly it has taken me a while, but I did finalise my selection for a centre stand dolly. In the end, more because the suggested version from Demon Tweeks wasn't in stock, I opted for one from Constands (Motea - based in Germany!), which can handle 320kgs, has four lockable fully rotating wheels and certainly looks to handle the bike with relative ease. The item No, for those who might be interested themselves, is 844279, advertised as Central Mover II for a Ducati 1200/1260, etc. It cost me, before product tax + shipping tax (£14.95), £74.71, so all up, inclusive of taxes, £89.66. Just set it up and can now move the bike around the garage far more easily then before. So, "result". Thanks for all of the suggestions and guidance. Why I hadn't thought about this sort of device before...........
I use a piece of carpet in France. Pile side down 18" square. Under centre stand or side stand. Good floor so I can whizz round just about anything. Nylon door mat also works, but a quality shag is my preferred option
I am using one of these I put a heavy duty cable tie around the frame to make certain it cannot slip off the supplied mounting kit. Maybe overkill but makes me feel happier about moving the bike around. Mega handy and lifts the bike up enough to make working/cleaning easier.
I have to say, unless I'm losing what I thought, was a reasonably strong physique, for whatever reason, I'm struggling like hell to get my Mutli up onto the garage centre stand thingy! Just the small increase in height seems to be making pulling the bike up, so much more difficult than it ought to be to me, so I'm thinking I must be doing something wrong. I have got it onto the stand several times, but more recently, NO! Anyone got any sensible suggestions regarding the most effective technique to adopt? Answers please on a postcard to..............
Into settings, set enduro mode. This raises the ride height before you even put stand down. You could put maximum preload on too. Should also help. Just pop into the mode when you need to get onto stand.
Just use a bit of scaffold pipe over the centre stand arm that you stand on, and it’s a piece of piss. Obviously you’ll need to use something to protect the paint on the stand arm.
I used to own one of these when I was younger and my Grandmother used to call it; a "Bollock Stretcher". A much better name IMO.... I don't need it anymore as I definitely look precisely like the guy in the photo. Just saying I knew I could rely on a useful suggestion from you. Cheers Buddy