Hi all, I've searched the forum and couldn't find any duplicate threads concerning this query. I removed the tank from my 2012 1199 yesterday in order to free the BBS unit, which I believe is responsible for causing electrical bedlam since being caught in torrential rain last week Anyway, there are two breather pipes at the rear of the tank. I'm very confident that the the rearmost one was connected to the grey plastic union beneath and the foremost one was not connected to anything - is this correct? Some instructions that I read online somewhere before removing the tank said that the forward one connects to a carbon canister if still fitted to the bike? Therefore, it would make sense that if my bike doesn't have said canister (I can't see one), the breather that would go to it stays free and dangling? It just looks odd with a free union on the plastic junction, which the free pipe could fairly easily connect too. I'm fairly sure that I had a good look at the lay out of these pipes before raising the tank and that the forward one wasn't connected to anything, just hoping that someone can confirm that this is correct before I reassemble, start and run into problems! Thanks in advance!!!
It should connect to an tube that runs down the side of the bike and is connected to the bottom of the front radiator surround
Cheers batman! I think you're saying that the grey plastic union connects to the tube that runs down to the front rad surround? If so, I've got that. The query is whether the black front breather pipe/line/tube coming from the nipple on the tank, stays unconnected to anything, or whether this should be attached to the spare connector on the grey plastic union?
Ah got you. The two short tubes in the picture connect into the 3 way union and the bottom of the tank. The long tube goes from the bottom of the union
The forward most fuel tank port feeds to the small hole seen at the left of the fuel cap when opened. Rain/wash water, as well as a tank overfill, will travel through that port and down to the ground. The rearmost fuel tank port is the vent for the fuel tank proper. It feeds to the valve incorporated into the fuel cap itself. On vehicles sold in North America, this line is attached to the emissions canister and thereafter to the horizontal and vertical intake runners to burn off the fuel vapors. In cases where it is not used, either as a result of modifications or other, the two ports are usually connected together and channeled down and connected to the nipple on the front of the air extractor/fan assembly.