748 Wiring Harness Query

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Duncati, May 4, 2021.

  1. Some of the rubber boots that shroud the wirng harness plugs on my bike are starting to disintegrate along with the rubber bands that hold the harness to the frame.
    I know the rubber bands are available but can anyone tell me if the various rubber plug shrouds are available without having to buy the whole loom. I reckon to have searched tinterweb but not had any luck
    Thanks in advance
  2. Certainly some are, as i have stumbled across them online before. If you do manage to get some it will require you to push out the connecting pins to put on the new rubber boot. There are tools available to push out the pins. The old one can be cut off easily enough. Check out eBay for these items, that might help.

    The other method is to split the new boot open and then glue it back together with something like superglue.
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  3. Thankyou, will have a look
  4. I favoured having to pop the pins, not too much bother i reckon, it’s just sourcing the things, @Sev has given a couple of names so I’ll see what I can find.
    Not sure whether it’s just an age thing or something that I’m using is reacting with, and rotting, the rubber
  5. the original conical convoluted boots will perish all on their own by now, but the "rubber bands" fare a bit better but will still perish from constant sunlight exposure.
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  6. It just seems to have happened within the last couple of years, but that said, the bike is 20yr old so I’m not complaining, have just had a look on fleabay using the names @Sev gave and I reckon to have found the ones I need, so I’m a happy chap:upyeah:
  7. Have just had a look on fleabay using your description and found lots that should do the job, thanks again for the pointers:upyeah:
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  8. Been updating my MTS 1000 loom and found these boots work well:
    The come in 2, 3 and 4 way versions. I have not found the single wire version for the oil pressure switch or Neutral switch on my bike.

    Some of my terminals were pull to seat instead of the typical push to seat. Those were on the TPS and Stepper Motor plugs. I found the terminals for those and for the typical amp connectors here: http://www.cycleterminal.com/metripack-150.2-connectors.html
    #8 Bradford Mersereau, May 7, 2021
    Last edited: May 7, 2021
  9. Excellent, thanks for the info, think I’ve found the boots I need but the terminal source is good to know :upyeah:
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