Esso Ethanol Free

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by WeeDavey, May 10, 2021.

  1. Synergy + 99 octane is now ethanol free at some forecourts in some areas.

    “Although our pumps have E5 labels on them, our Synergy Supreme+ 99 is actually ethanol free (except, due to technical supply reasons, in Devon, Cornwall, North Wales, North England and Scotland). Legislation requires us to place these E5 labels on pumps that dispense unleaded petrol with ‘up to 5% ethanol’, including those that contain no ethanol, which is why we display them on our Synergy Supreme+ 99 pumps.”
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  2. Nice share'
  3. Thanks yes seen this somewhere handy if you lay up your bikes as the ethanol is what dissolves the pipes eventually
  4. I use an ethanol stabiliser to stop any damage from ethanol in fuel. Its brilliant stuff and lasts for ages - even with more than one bike, I have used it in my classic bikes as well as my plastic tanked Duke and its stopped all issues.

    I dont know the last time I saw an Esso station - they seem to be a bit rare around me. BP seem to be the most common ones now. They took over a host of Jet stations too.
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  5. Useful to know - unless you live in Devon or Cornwall, of course...
  6. Esso? Who's that?

    Actually I just checked and there is one ten mins away! So they will be getting business from me for both my bikes.


    Anyone need to locate Esso?
  7. Checked the Esso link above.
    None within 30 miles of home!
    So I will have to stick with the BP (10 miles away) which is nearest for any sort of Super, currently around £1.40 a litre and its only a 4 mile detour on my commute.
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